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tc-announce message

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Subject: [tc-announce] OASIS TC Call For Participation: XML LocalisationInterchange File Format TC

A new OASIS technical committee is being formed. The OASIS XML
Localisation Interchange File Format Technical Committee has been
proposed by the following members of OASIS: Tony Jewtushenko, Oracle;
Matthew Lovatt, Oracle; Fiona Ebbs, Novell; John Reid, Novell; John
Corrigan, Sun Microsystems; Mark Levins, IBM/Lotus; Yves Savourel, RWS
Group; Enda McDonnell, Individual member; Jonathan Clark, Lionbridge;
Milan Karasek, Moravia; and Peter Reynolds, Individual member.

The proposal for a new TC meets the requirements of the OASIS TC Process
(see http://oasis-open.org/committees/process.shtml), and is appended to
this message. The proposal, which includes a statement of purpose, list
of deliverables, and proposed schedule, will constitute the TC's
charter. The TC Process allows these items to be clarified (revised) by
the TC members; such clarifications (revisions), as well as submissions
of technology for consideration by the TC and the beginning of technical
discussions, may occur no sooner than the TC's first meeting.

To become a member of this new TC you must 1) be an employee of an OASIS
member organization or an Individual member of OASIS; 2) notify the TC
chair, Tony Jewtushenko (tony.jewtushenko@oracle.com), of your intent to
participate at least 15 days prior to the first meeting; and 3)
participate in the first meeting on 22 January 2002. You should also
subscribe to the TC's discussion list. Note that membership in OASIS TCs
is by individual, and not by organization. You must be eligible for
participation at the time you time you notify the chair.

The private mail list xliff@lists.oasis-open.org is for committee
discussions. TC members as well as any other interested OASIS members
should subscribe to the list by going to the mail list web page at
http://lists.oasis-open.org/ob/adm.pl, or by sending a message to
xliff-request@lists.oasis-open.org with the word "subscribe" as the body
of the message. (Note that subscribing to the mail list does not make
you a member of the TC; to become a member you must contact the TC chair
as described in the preceeding paragraph.)

A public comment list xliff-comment@lists.oasis-open.org will be
available for the public to make comments on the work of this TC; the
public may subscribe to this list by going to the mail list web page at
http://lists.oasis-open.org/ob/adm.pl, or by sending a message to
xliff-comment-request@lists.oasis-open.org with the word "subscribe" as
the body of the message.

The archives of both of these mail lists are visible to the public at

Karl F. Best
OASIS - Director, Technical Operations
978.667.5115 x206
karl.best@oasis-open.org  http://www.oasis-open.org

XLIFF Technical Committee Proposal

(i) Name of the TC:

    XLIFF, XML Localisation Interchange File Format

(ii) Statement of purpose:

    The purpose of the XLIFF TC is to define a specification for
    an extensible localisation interchange format that will allow
    any software provider to produce a single interchange format
    that can be delivered to and understood by any localisation
    service provider. The format should be tool independent,
    standardised, and support the whole localisation process.
    It will comprehensively support common software data
    formats and be open enough to allow the development of
    tools compatible with an implementer's own proprietary data
    formats and company culture.

    The current state of affairs in software localisation is
    that a software provider delivers their localisable
    resources to a localisation service provider in a number of
    disparate file formats. If the software provider has common
    industry standard file formats, this makes the task of
    interchanging files easier. However, when there are
    uncommon or nonstandard file formats either the software
    provider or the localisation service provider must provide
    a method for the file to be localised. For a software
    provider with many of these uncommon or nonstandard files,
    this requirement becomes a major hurdle when attempting to
    have their software localised.

    The first phase is to create a working specification that will
    concentrate on the software UI file requirements. However, it
    should also include all of the building blocks required to
    ensure that we could implement the document elements at any

    This work is based on work previously done by the Yahoo!
    DataDefinition Group. That group has produced a white
    paper, a specification, and a DTD, which were made public
    through that group's site. This specification will be
    submitted for approval as the XLIFF 1.0 specification in
    the first meeting.

    XLIFF 1.0 is submitted with the following intellectual
    property rights statement:

    Each of the submitting companies, referenced in section (vii),
    below, agrees to offer a license, on reasonable and non-
    discriminatory terms, to use any patent claim it owns or
    controls and which is necessarily infringed by use of the XLIFF
    format described in  this submission or any Committee
    Specification or OASIS standard based thereon. Such a license
    will be for the limited purpose of implementing the XLIFF format
    described in this submission or in any Committee Specification
    or OASIS standard based thereon, and may be conditioned on the
    licensee's agreement to grant a reciprocal license on reasonable
    and non-discriminatory terms to use any patent claim it owns or
    controls and which is necessarily infringed by use of the XLIFF
    format described in this submission or in any Committee
    Specification or OASIS standard based thereon.

    The archive for previous discussions can be found at the
    following URL:


    The white paper, the specification, and the DTD and can be
    found at this URL:


(iii) Proposed list of deliverables, with projected dates:

    XLIFF 1.0 Specification; 2 weeks after 1st meeting
    XLIFF 1.0 DTD;           2 weeks after 1st meeting
    XLIFF 1.0 White Paper;   2 weeks after 1st meeting
    XLIFF 1.0 Schema;        2 months after 1st meeting
    XLIFF 1.1 Specification; 6 months after 1st meeting
    XLIFF 1.1 DTD;           6 months after 1st meeting
    XLIFF 1.1 Schema;        6 months after 1st meeting

(iv) Language in which the TC will conduct business:

    U.K. English

(v) Date and time of the first meeting:

    22 January 2002; 16:00 GMT; Phone conference

(vi) Meeting schedule for the year following the formation of the
    TC, or until the projected date of the final deliverable,
    whichever comes first:

    Bi-weekly phone conference

(vii) Names, electronic mail addresses, and membership affiliations
    of PEOTCPs committed to the stated meeting schedule:

    Tony Jewtushenko, tony.jewtushenko@oracle.com; Oracle
    Matthew Lovatt, matthew.lovatt@oracle.com; Oracle
    Fiona Ebbs; FEbbs@novell.com; Novell
    John Reid; jreid@novell.com; Novell
    John Corrigan, John.Corrigan@ireland.sun.com; Sun Microsystems
    Mark Levins, Mark_Levins@ie.ibm.com; IBM/Lotus
    Yves Savourel, ysavourel@translate.com; RWS Group
    Enda McDonnell, EndaMcD@alchemysoftware.ie, Individual member
    Jonathan Clark, Jonathan_Clark@lionbridge.com, Lionbridge
    Milan Karasek, milank@moravia-it.com, Moravia
    Peter Reynolds, Peter.Reynolds@Berlitz.ie, Individual member

(viii) Name of the TC chair:

    Tony Jewtushenko, Oracle

(ix) Names of phone meeting sponsors:

    Tony Jewtushenko, Oracle

(x) Names of face-to-face meeting sponsors:

    Fiona Ebbs, Novell

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