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Subject: [tm-pubsubj] (Fwd) Topic Maps TC late candidature
Given the interest of this (late) candidature for TC membership, considering it was made only a few hours after the formal deadline, and the context explained in the message, I consider it would not be a very serious breach of rules to accept it anyway. Hence I propose to accept Francis membership candidature, and invite him to participate in the first meeting, if no formal opposition expressed meanwhile. Bernard ------- Forwarded message follows ------- Date sent: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 11:04:13 -0700 Subject: Topic Maps TC Copies to: Kazuo Asakawa <asakawa@flab.fujitsu.co.jp>, Tetsuji Morishita <morisita@jp.fujitsu.com> To: bernard.vatant@mondeca.com From: Francis McCabe <fgm@cad.fla.fujitsu.com> Dear Mr Vatant: I realize that I am a little late for the first meeting; however I have just been informed by my company about this activity. I would like to participate on behalf of Fujitsu in the Topic Maps TC. I am president of the Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (www.fipa.org); and have been actively involved in the Logic Programming community for many years. Currently within FIPA we are initiating an effort in semantic frameworks to support contracts between agents. Anticipating your positive response Francis G. McCabe ------- End of forwarded message ------- *********************************** Bernard Vatant - Consultant bernard.vatant@mondeca.com Mondeca - "Making Sense of Content" www.mondeca.com ***********************************
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