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Subject: [tm-pubsubj] October 30 TC meeting agenda

The first Pubsubj TC meeting will be a conference call.

Time : October 30 : 16.00 - 18.00 UTC
Warning! In Europe at least, we will have changed to "winter-time" two days before. Please check your local time vs UTC.

Call-in number to be announced.

Please note that cost of connection will be in charge of each participant.

Only people who are eligible and have formally registered by the chair in due time are allowed to participate in the meeting. The list is on TC Web Page.

Proposed Agenda:

Preliminary Note: This first meeting will be mainly administrative, but I'd like we could start some technical work anyway.

1. Welcome, roll call and presentation of members.
Please take time to have a look at:
http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tm- pubsubj/members/presentation.htm

Designation of secretary(ies) for the meeting minutes.
Volunteers are welcome to register before the meeting.

2. Review of OASIS TC Process and IPR policy
Please take time to have a preliminary look at:

3. Review of TC Charter.
Some points to consider particularly:

3.a. Scope - Are Publish Subjects relevant only to TM applications field,
or do they extend beyond to a wider scope?

3.b. Is the content in the three sections in "Statement of Purpose"
(Definition, Management, Application) explicit enough?

3.c. Calendar of deliverables. The initial calendar was following
a +/- three weeks periodicity, and coordination of deliverables with
events/conferences and matching meetings of TopicMaps.Org.
If we stick to that, we could have the following schedule.
(keeping co-call on Tuesday 16.00 UTC and F2F on Friday the weeks of conferences)

01. 2001-10-30 (co-call)
02. 2001-11-20 (co-call)
03. 2001-12-14 (F2F) XML 2001 Orlando - 1st deliverable (Requirements)

04. 2002-01-08 (co-call)
05. 2002-01-29 (co-call)
06. 2002-02-19 (co-call)
07. 2002-03-15 (F2F) Knowledge Technologies Seattle - 2nd deliverable (Definition)

08. 2002-04-02 (co-call)
09. 2002-04-23 (co-call)
10. 2002-05-24 (F2F) XML Europe Barcelona - 3rd deliverable (Management)

11. 2002-06-11 (co-call)
12. 2002-07-02 (co-call)
13. 2002-07-23 (co-call)
14. 2002-08-09 (F2F) Extreme Markup Montréal - 4th deliverable (Application)

4. Membership and Mailing List
Vote on allowing OASIS members to subscribe to the Mailing list,
even if they are not members of the TC. (This vote is required by OASIS staff in all TCs)

5. Special TC duties
The following are default duties of the chair, but can be delegated.
a. editor
b. secretary
c. webmaster
d. liaisons with other standards groups or OASIS TCs

The chair would like to keep on with c. He would gladly delegate to, or be seconded by volunteer English Native Speakers for a. and b. What goes under d. is to be debated below.

6. Subcommittees and/or Specific Published Subjects TC.
6.a. The Charter limits TC tasks to general recommendations. Specific fields (e.g. Food and Agriculture) should be managed by specific TCs.
Should they be subcommittees of Pubsubj TC
or completely autonomous, like e.g. XML PSI TC?
6.b. Proposal : Define a subcommittee for the question of "generic" PSIs
(not specific to a field or industry)

7. Ongoing technical work.
Not much so far ... I've posted some personal stuff at

Bring your stuff in, send your comments etc ...

8. Next meeting(s) schedule
See above 3.c.

9. Breakfast, Coffee, Elevenses, Lunch, High Tea, Apéritif, Dinner, Night Cup ... depending on where you call from.

Waiting for you all and looking forward to a fruitful meeting.


*********************************** Bernard Vatant - Consultant bernard.vatant@mondeca.com Mondeca - "Making Sense of Content" www.mondeca.com ***********************************

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