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Subject: RE: [tm-pubsubj] mixed feelings
Thank you Bernard for sharing your concerns and pleading for re-focusing on the TC deliverables. I have been very busy since the Seattle meeting and was not able to keep in tune with all the (interesting and philosophical) discussions on tm-pubsubj-comment list. From my perspective, I have the following thoughts: 1) The issues about "subjects" and the need for effective management of "published subjects" seem to be of common interest and general concern across different ontological/semantic communities (e.g., TM, RDF(S), DAML+OIL, etc.) The PubSubj TC could play a unique role for those communities with a goal to enable ontological/semantic interoperability, as testified by the desire for liaison with OWL. As such, I do not see any advantage of having TM added to the name of the TC. 2) I think we should continue working on some pragmatic use cases to demonstrate and prove the value of our effort. The ones that I see direct connection with our work in Boeing are: a) Creating and managing namespaces b) Representing subjects for OWL (DAML+OIL initially) 3) I think the specific role TM can play and demonstrate its value is in PS Doc, because its flexibility and intuitiveness. Regards, Scott Tsao IS Architecture & eBusiness The Boeing Company P.O. Box 3707, MC 6H-AF Seattle, WA 98124-2207 425-237-3337 (Voice) 425-237-3428 (Fax) Email: scott.tsao@boeing.com -----Original Message----- From: Bernard Vatant [mailto:bernard.vatant@mondeca.com] Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 5:13 AM To: tm-pubsubj Subject: [tm-pubsubj] mixed feelings Folks I've got mixed feelings those days about our TC work. We've got lately lively and interesting debates about paradigmatic, generic, genetic or distributed PSIs ... but that does not make our practical work move forward an inch I'm afraid. A month has passed since Seattle meeting, and we have still that bunch of issues posted in the current Deliverable 1 version, and not a heap of proposals to address those issues so far. I've been trying to review the document those days, and figure how to make things move forward, and all I got to is adding those new questions, about non topic maps applications of PSIs, or distributed PSIs ... Some thoughts I wonder if we've not been far too deep into the details of the "what and how" without having a real agreement on "why and what for". Those have been expressed in a too fuzzy way so far. In fact, I think there is a deep, but not clearly expressed, disagreement on objectives between (1) those who consider PSIs essentially as necessary logistics for interoperability and wide-scale support for topic maps technology - letting the use of PSIs outside TM universe as a secondary and minor objective. (2) those who consider topic maps like maybe the reference early users, but only one among many technologies that could use PSIs. I've always been implicitly, and will certainly be more and more explicitly, on the (2) side. Remember I proposed the name of the TC to be "Published Subjects" without explicit reference to topic maps. But I must acknowledge I am maybe pushing against the majority of TC opinions there. In the first co-call on October 30, if I trust the minutes, the consensus was rather on (1) - Quote from the minutes below. "Bernard asked the committee to consider whether Published Subjects should be created with other applications in mind or be solely dedicated to Topic Maps. After some discussion, it was determined that the focus should be the creation of Published Subjects for Topic Maps, and let initiative to other groups for other applications." But at this meeting, only 5 of the 11 current TC members were present. So, questions: 1. Have our objectives been defined clearly enough? 2. If yes, are we going the right way so far, or are we misled? 3. Do we have to reconsider the objectives, in the light of recent debates, or do we stick to the initial ones? Thanks for your feedback Bernard ---------------------------------------------------------------- To subscribe or unsubscribe from this elist use the subscription manager: <http://lists.oasis-open.org/ob/adm.pl>
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