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Subject: [xtm-wg] Re: [xtm-mg] Modelling Group deliverables: how do we proceed?

[Daniel R-M:]
> I think we need to formally report to the [Authoring] Group that we
> need a bit more time. Steve Newcomb is a member of our group, and a
> co-chair of the Working Group. In the absence of our own Chair,
> would it be appropriate for Steve N to request from the WG that we
> be given more time - say till 18 August - the date of the weekend
> meeting following Extreme Markup in Montreal - to complete our work?

I hereby make this request of the AG: That the modeling group be given
until August 18 to prepare its report to the AG.  This is not because
progress has not been made.  On the contrary, it's really because so
much progress has been made!  There are several issues on the table
now, and at least two models: all evidence of very serious thinking by
several widely scattered people.

Since it's not clear that we can do anything about the modeling
group's report until August 18 anyway, when next we meet, I think
there's really no reason to put this matter to a vote.  However,
dissent is welcome (and the possibility of a motion and vote on this
matter cannot be precluded).


Steven R. Newcomb, President, TechnoTeacher, Inc.
srn@techno.com  http://www.techno.com  ftp.techno.com

voice: +1 972 359 8160
fax    +1 972 359 0270

405 Flagler Court
Allen, Texas 75013-2821 USA

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