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Subject: [xtm-wg] [xtm-iss] identity VS basename

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I want to suggest adding the following issues to the Interchange Syntax

Another cookbook on the subject of Topic Maps merging
with examples and how-to-s .
Especially elaborate on roles of identity and basename.
This is important because Topic Maps are in fact all about merge-bility.

Determine what should be the default behavior of an XTM engine
when it encounters two topic links with:

same identity attributes / different base names in the same scope
different identity attributes / same base names in the same scope
no identity and no names / no identity and no names
same base names in the scope "A"/ different base names in scope "B"

Can we consider base name as a special case identity?
Something like: identity="tm://[scope]:[basename]" ?

In fact this will mean that a topic in XTM world can have multiple
(in different scopes)

And it does make sense. For example:

I (a topic)
have SSN (my identity in the scope of US )
and Russian passport number (my identity in the scope of Russia)
and Permesso di soggiorno  (my identity in the scope of Italy)

Actually, there are known cases of
Foreign citizens having multiple SSN.
IRS could have detected the fraud by
merging Topic Maps of two countries!!!
Some use-case isn't it?

(I do not think it is possible in RDF, or am I wrong?)

It still leaves the question opened:
what should the software do when it determined the fraud?
I have some other suggestions but they sound to rebelling... even to me :-)

Another issue connected to this one is
the semantics and sintax of base-, sort-, disp- names in the XTM.
It was brought up during the Montreal meeting.



Nikita Ogievetsky
Consultant in XML/XSLT/Xlink/TopicMaps

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