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Subject: [xtm-wg] Re: parallel development of syntax and concept models

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This stuck in my outbox since Monday, but I still want to send it.
This is not to argue with anybody, On the contrary, I am very 
grateful that this question is brought up!

I liked Michel's picture of the house builders.
And inspired by it I came up with yet another one: 

Why French and Russian Revolution failed?
Concepts looked great!
Answer: syntax was not given a thorough consideration.
Lenin said his famous:
"concept justifies means" (read: "concept justifies syntax")
which meant: 
"Use any means to prove the concept"
And all the people who were thinking about interchange or "syntax 
model" were
killed because they were slowing down 
the movement to the ultimate GOAL. 
(Interesting that with time Soviet Union changed from "concept 
lacking syntax" into "syntax lacking concept")  
The only revolution whatsoever that succeeded was American.
because they started with Constitution!
They thought of syntax model in parallel with the concept model.
US is still doing pretty well and Russia is still suffering!
Syntax model without concept model => bureaucracy
Concept model without syntax model => terror
Which way do you want to go?

To support Steven's thought:
>There is no such thing as a copy of a notion.  There can be copies of
>*representations* of notions, but not of notions.  A notion is the
>same, unique notion no matter how many ways it is represented, and no
>matter who does or does not understand it.  Notions (thoughts) exist
>on a higher plane of existence.  They can be forgotten, but they
>cannot be destroyed.

Different democratic (concept model) countries do have different 
constitutions (syntax models).




Isn't it:
…representation of notion of notion and it's
representation… Wow! 
Time to go for a psychiatric check-up.

Nikita Ogievetsky
Consultant in XML/XSLT/Xlink/TopicMaps

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