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Subject: [xtm-wg] Re: Agenda for Dallas

I agree, in spirit, with Steve's agenda.  But I think that having one
day each for ISS and CMS will not be most productive.  It's hard for
people to "sit on their hands" all day and not present their own point
of view, especially when it's relevant.  But jumping in on details,
before presenting the big picture, is a tremendous waste of energy.  It
also wastes energy whenever trying to relate with, or reword, or
rethink, another point of view is interpreted as a challenge to that
point of view, as a rejection or refutation (the two are both important,
but very different, and it's awful to confuse them).  As an alternative,
I propose:

Day 1:  Half day each to the current members of the CMS working group,
and the ISS working gropu, can present their results, and the
outstanding issues.  The CMS presentation in Montreal was great.

Day 2: Half day each so that All of us can think from the CMS point of
view, and from the ISS point of view, so that we understand their points
of view, are sympathetic to them, and build on them to resolve issues.

Day 3: We forget about the CMS and ISS distinction, and think as one big
group to resolve all outstanding issues.

This is the same in spirit, but I think better prepares us for Day 3,
which is a very important and difficult day.

What do you think?


Andrius Kulikauskas
Minciu Sodas
+1 (773) 651-3785 or 586-6280 
In Chicago through December

"Steven R. Newcomb" wrote:
> Dear Participating Members of the Authoring Group,
> My personal ambition for the Dallas meeting is that *everyone* who
> comes will leave with a very clear understanding of the work of *both*
> the Conceptual Modeling Subgroup (CMS) and the Interchange Syntax
> Subgroup (ISS).  I feel that this is vital.
> With that in mind, I'd like to propose that we allocate the first two
> days to those reports, one day for ISS and one day for CMS.  For one
> of those days, we'll all be ISS, and for the other day, all CMS.
> I don't really care which one goes first.  (I hope the issue won't
> have to be decided on the basis of who doesn't show up at 8:30 am
> (presumably there will be coffee) on Friday, November 10.)
> By this plan, we'll have all day Sunday to determine how we're going
> to iron out the differences and produce a 1.0 Spec.
> I'm looking forward to every single aspect of this meeting.
> -Steve
> --
> Steven R. Newcomb, Consultant
> srn@coolheads.com
> voice: +1 972 359 8160
> fax:   +1 972 359 0270
> 405 Flagler Court
> Allen, Texas 75013-2821 USA

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