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Subject: [xtm-wg] What we must do to meet the 12/4 date

>From Steve and Michel:

Here are the actions we need to take
to deliver an acceptable spec by 12/04.

1. The print date for the spec is 2000-12-02.

   Sam will coordinate the printing if no one
   else steps forward.

2. The printed spec will be delivered to the
   show on 2000-12-04 at 8:00 AM.
3. The editors thank all the writers for their
   valuable contributions but will ACCEPT NO
   This is a time management issue; we simply
   cannot evaluate changes for quality at 
   this point in committee. 
   The Editors, in camera, must be permitted
   to do their work in order to meet the date.
4. A draft of the complete specification will
   be available for review on Thursday
   December 30 at 5:00PM EST.
   Because this draft represents the authoritative
   and considered view of the editors as to
   best possible presentation of XTM material,
   only changes that do not impact the delivery
   date will be considered at that time.
   No further changes will be considered between
   now and that date.

6. Reviewing the minutes on editorial policies we find:
   - The XTM specification shall be

    * Standalone
    * W3C-REC-like
    * Example-filled
    * Short
    * Clear
    * Designed to be available in print
      and on line
-- Sam Hunting, Murray Altheim
   For The Editors

<!-- "To imagine a language is to imagine a form of life."
     - Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations -->

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