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Subject: [topicmaps-comment] Let's introduce - bryan thompson

Ok. This is Bryan Thompson, president / found / CTO for GlobalWisdom and

founding member of XTM and an author for the XTM specification, etc.

I've been a lurker on the lists lately, but it's not because I've left
the fold.

Rather we've been heads down doing the good work. We will be releasing
our XTM

compliant product, "bravo", next week at Seybold/SF. bravo integrates

based search and content classification into topic map architectures. We

a strong focus on collaboration and in creating and facilating community

I'm very, very pleased with the usability of the XTM 1.0 specification.
It has

been a pure pleasure to marry a great standard with great technology to


Beyond this all consuming activity, I come from a diverse background in

science, connectionist, AI, machine learning, decision theory, natural

information retrieval, etc. I'm very excited to see the topic map

rolling out. XTM 1.0 is a standard that will fuel a revolution in the

enterprises have for managing their content and their knowledge. Great

Hope to be seeing everyone soon.



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