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Subject: Re: AW: [topicmaps-comment] multilingual thesaurus - language, scope,and topic naming constraint

On 01/02/2002 08:31:11 "Bandholtz, Thomas" wrote:

> I never understood why XTM uses scope for languages.

I can't tell you why historically, but ...

> <basename xml:lang="en">economics</basename>

Your suggestion presumes that there is a single, agreed upon set of languages (and hence codes), which is what XML assumes ISO can deal with.  However, the difficult question of what is a language (versus a dialect) is one that people have all but fought wars over (e.g. Bulgarian/Macedonian, Dutch/Flemish), so there is something to be said for allowing alternate lists of languages.  The way XTM works, people normally use the standard language published subjects (which are presumably based on ISO), but nothing stops you from using an alternative set if that is more suitable to the political surroundings in which you find yourself.  I see that as an advantage over what XML natively allows.

That's my comment, anyway.

Anthony B. Coates
XML Architect
Chief Technology Office
Reuters Plc, London.

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