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Subject: Re: [topicmaps-comment] referring to a topic from outside a TM

At 10:54 PM 3/6/2002 +0100, Bernard Vatant wrote:
>Holger Rath
> >> ... "Topic Map Addressing Scheme (TOMAS)"  ... could be based on a 
> special URN scheme.
> >> We know that TOMAS is *really* necessary and that it is not a  trivial
> >> thing. But we will address it.

> > Today most of us use URL with *fragment identifiers* (which is not widely
> > implemented for XML) and not *queries* (using ? in an URI), so they are 
> tied
> > to documents.
>You make an important point there. I think you made it already in other 
>posts, but I
>really catch it only now :))
>As was said once in a debate with Steve N. and others, topic maps people 
>have a tendency
>to be "text bigots".
>We boil all down to documents. And for that matter, we are certainly wrong.
>XTM is a document interchange format, and certainly not fit for query. 
>Ditto for any XML
>format ...
>BTW in Mondeca we use Oracle + Graph Manager. XTM is for import-export 
>only, as could be
>RDF or customized XML.

Do you think that it would be possible to use a PURL URL (Partial redirect) 
or in the future, a URN with a query string?

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is working on defining URNs and 
OCLC Online Computer Library Center is an active participant and supporter 
of this process.  They plan to migrate their PURL (Persistent URLs) to a 
URN scheme.

The assignment of PURLs is an intermediate step towards the time when URNs 
are an integral part of the Internet information architecture. The eventual 
syntax of URNs is clear enough at this time to afford confidence that the 
syntax of PURLs can be inexpensively and mechanically translated to the 
eventual URN form. For instance, the PURL
      ----   ------------- ----------
        /           |               \
   protocol    resolver address     name

could be written something like the following using the Path URN syntax:
           ------------- ----------
                 |           |
        naming authority   name
End quote.

I registered my domain in Purl as http://purl.org/mnishikawa. This will 
redirect you to my published subjects that are in the tm-pubsubj area of 
OASIS. I would like to have this as the permanent ID of my publishing 
identity. With the partial redirect scheme, I think that I would be able to 
use this and also use database query strings to locate my published 
subjects. Is that correct? I am using fragment identifiers now. (I confess, 
I am a DocHead ;-))

When the URN form is finalized then I would easily be able to move my PURL 
"identity" to this URN scheme. This should work in the context of pulling 
published subjects from a database, shouldn't it?

>Bottom line - Thomas, you are bringing interesting insights there. What 
>about joining
>PubSubj TC - as your Schlumberger colleague Mary Nishikawa?

Welcome Thomas ;-)).

-- Mary

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