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Subject: [topicmaps-comment] referring to a topic from outside a TM -- PURL

| May be the coming OASIS member section may provide a persitistent
| *hosting* (not redirection) of PSI sets. This would work.

I'm not very happy with that idea. This leads us back into the old
centralised "Regististration Authority" way of doing things, which is
resource-intensive and easily becomes a bottleneck. It's much better
if people can define their own PSIs without having to confer with
anyone else about it.


I am strongly convinced that a centralized registration, especially 
at Oasis will never scale. Much work goes into the update and  
maintenance of subject headings and I don't think anyone in this 
group wants to take on this task even if you are 
allowing/requiring/suggesting that those doing the registration keep 
up with their own. 

Suellen Stringer-Hye
Jean and Alexander Heard Library
Vanderbilt University

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