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Subject: RE: Comment on #TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML v1.3

Hi Vo,


We’re excited to hear about your efforts to build a TOSCA-based orchestration engine. With respect to your questions:


  1. The current Port model is closely aligned with Openstack, where it is possible to create a Compute first, and then add a Port to that Compute later. Does that scenario not work for you?
  2. AttachesTo is explicitly designed for Storage. While the name may suggest a more “general purpose” mission, its focus is on Storage.


These are good comments, and we encourage T-Systems to consider joining the TOSCA TC. It would allow you to participate in the technical discussion where these types of design alternatives are discussed.


Best regards,


Chris Lauwers


From: tosca-comment@lists.oasis-open.org <tosca-comment@lists.oasis-open.org> On Behalf Of Tri.Vo-Hoang@t-systems.com
Sent: Monday, February 3, 2020 2:58 PM
To: tosca-comment@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [tosca-comment] Comment on #TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML v1.3


Dear members of the TOSCA TC,


We are trying to follow the profile v1.3 precisely to implement a TOSCA orchestration engine for our public cloud provider. Currently, we have the following comments:


  1. The tosca.nodes.network.Port has the “BindsTo” relationship (derived from the “DependsOn” relationship) with the tosca.nodes.Compute. The DependsOn relationship indicates that the Compute node must be created and started before the creation of the network Port. However, in case the Compute node has only one network port, it cannot be created without the Port. Otherwise, the compute node has no IP address and cannot e.g., setup cloud-init. Do you think the direction of the relationship should be reverse?


  1. The tosca.relationships.AttachesTo represents an attachment relationship between two nodes. Therefore, we think the tosca.relationships.network.BindsTo should be derived from the tosca.relationships.AttachesTo (instead of deriving from the tosca.relationships.DependsOn). In such a case, we say, we start a Compute node and bind it to / attach it to an available network Port.


Kind Regards,



Digital & Security | Public Cloud Managed Services

Open Telekom Cloud Delivery – Senior Public Cloud Architect

Hoang Tri Vo, PhD
Holzhauser Str. 4-8, 13509 Berlin (Germany)
+49 151 64922645 (Mobile)
E-Mail: Tri.Vo-Hoang@t-systems.com

Publications: https://dblp.org/pers/hd/v/Vo:Tri_Hoang

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