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Subject: Re: [tosca-comment] Feedback on TOSCA 1.3 spec

On Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 10:42 PM adam souzis <adam@onecommons.org> wrote:
I'm saying that if something like this:Â

 'a \U00000041  @ \f b\n" &* ':
    Âtype: foo

is considered a valid template you asking for trouble with little gain.Â

Again, I don't see any technical trouble with implementations dealing with it, there is no security risk (any more than us allowing properties of type "string" to have arbitrary values), and for international reasons we do not want to limit use of Unicode (see the example I linked). I definitely don't see it in our scope to delve into which Unicode we want to allow (ideographic alphabets) and which not (emojis). Aesthetically some designers' choices of node template names might not seem productive or appealing, but that is their choice, and software can deal with it.

Even with very restricted limits (ASCII only, lowercase only, no spaces or punctuation) you can make "bad" choices:

ÂÂÂ type: Foo

The only technical requirement I think we need is the one we have: that node template names be unique within that topology template. That allows implementations to place them in hashmaps by using the name as key, or to use that name as a UNIQUE column in a database.

By the way, though the YAML 1.1 spec does require map keys to be unique, some YAML parser implementations (example) do not enforce it. It's worth making sure.

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