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Subject: FW: TOSCA regex format?

I received the following question from a TOSCA user regarding regular expressions:


I don’t see any mention of the regular _expression_ syntax which TOSCA is following.

Unfortunately this can vary a bit.


As an example:

-          YANG, with its XML heritage, uses XML family syntax

o   A regex is implicitly always anchored start and end (^ and $ are always implied at the ends)

-          JSON Schema uses _javascript_ syntax

o   A regex is never implicitly anchored so you need to add ^ and $ for most regexp on an attribute


I think the TOSCA spec has to make a statement on this, either to pick a format or say it is engine dependent (which I don’t think is the best choice as this affects portability).


I agree that the spec should be very clear about the regex syntax. Any opinions?






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