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Subject: [ubl-comment] Fwd: Message from Patrick Gannon
UBL members and observers, Please see message below from Patrick Gannon, President and CEO of OASIS. Mark and I will be following up with OASIS staff after the meeting this week in Barelona. Jon ================================================================== Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 8:22 PM To: jon.bosak@sun.com Cc: mcrawford@lmi.org, carol.geyer@oasis-open.org, karl.best@oasis-open.org Mark and Jon, During the OASIS UBL TC meetings this week, please convey my personal congratulations for the progress and accomplishments of this hard-working team of OASIS members. The recent deliverables from the OASIS UBL Library Content Subcommittee and the OASIS UBL Naming and Design Rules Subcommittee are very encouraging. Over the past few weeks, as I have been speaking at conferences and meeting with various other standards groups, a number of opportunities with respect to the OASIS UBL TC have arisen. Several consortia are asking when and how they might contribute their industry expertise on demonstration projects that implement OASIS UBL TC work. Specifically, I would like to be sure all OASIS UBL TC members are aware of the following: 1) OASIS management and staff are quite actively promoting the work of the OASIS UBL TC, and we want to be sure to coordinate any marketing or promotional opportunities with appropriate TC members. Please keep Carol Geyer informed of your marketing/promotion plans. Carol and other OASIS staff are available whenever needed to aid in coordinating and supporting such marketing and promotion efforts. 2) Liaison with other external organizations is one of your noted activities that can be greatly enhanced through coordination with OASIS management, as we are in frequent contact with executives and management of other consortia. These executive contacts can often be used to engage appropriate technical contacts for more efficient liaison at the TC working level. Please identify an appropriate contact from the OASIS UBL TC to work with OASIS management on external organization liaison. 3) At recent inter-consortia meetings, several organizations have expressed interest in collaborating with OASIS on projects that could involve the use of UBL deliverables. Is there a master schedule of deliverables that has been prepared to show plans for when which components/specs are planning to be completed? Would you like to schedule a conference call with OASIS staff to discuss coordination opportunities? Again, our congratulations on your progress. Please let me know what else OASIS can do to support your efforts. Patrick Gannon President & CEO OASIS +1-978-667-5115 x201 (Office) +1-408-242-1018 (Mobile) +1-978-667-5114 (Fax) patrick.gannon@oasis-open.org
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