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Subject: Fwd: [ubl-dev] Test Assertions for UBL Calculation Model?

I've made some changes to now cater for ChargeTotal and/or AllowanceTotal
(interesting because I had to use prerequisites quite heavily, plus deprecation
with an "enable='false'" TAML testAssertion attribute)


More comments welcome. This may be getting nearer to something more useful.

Stephen D Green

2009/10/5 Stephen Green <stephen.green@bristol.gov.uk>:
> Thanks to Oriol for pointing out a few problems or potentially
> controversial choices in the rules I wrote for my UBL Calculation
> Model. I've been concentrating on the markup so far and have
> got it to this point:
> http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/34500/ubl-ta-draft-0-82h.xml
> I'd now like to scrutinise the rules themselves which are written
> as XPaths against the UBL Invoice (I've used the example invoice
> as a reference - the one in the UBL standard package). The XPaths
> all seem to work in the above set of test assertions (which applies
> the markup from the OASIS TAG TC - TAML working draft 0.8.2).
> If anyone can understand the rules as XPaths I'd still appreciate
> more feedback. I realise (apologies) I've still at least one 'error'
> (?)
> there - in rule (test assertion) 'INVTOT003' about allowances and
> charges, where as Oriol pointed out, I've got the AllowanceTotal
> used instead of both Allowance Total and Charge Total (though
> technically it might be 'correct', just not best practice, to treat a
> total of allowances minus charges as an allowance total which
> might be negative so the allowance total would cover both a net
> allowance and a net charge - that's probably not best practice).
> I should probably be applying the prerequisite to more rules that
> there should be no prepayment in the invoice for the rule to apply.
> There may be quite a few other prerequisites like that which ideally
> should be explicit (though I think people can make judgements on
> a case by case basis if the rules say their totals are wrong but they
> know they are dealing with a corner case not catered for in the
> rules).
> I need to put something to say what rules apply when these
> prerequisites are not met (e.g. what rules should apply if there is
> a prepayment).
> I hope this also sets an example and proof of concept to show
> how customisers can write such using the TAG methodology.
> Best regards
> Stephen D Green
>>>> Oriol Bausà <ORIOL@INVINET.ORG> 18/09/09 09:19 >>>
> Hi Stephen,
> Some comments on the rules,
> El 17/09/2009, a las 14:54, Stephen Green escribió:
>> Test Assertion ID: invoice-total-001.INVTOT002
>> Rule: given that there is only one currency used in the invoice and
>> that there is at least one invoice line with a line extension
> amount,
>> the 'TaxExclusiveAmount' in the invoice 'LegalMonetaryTotal' is
>> equal to the sum of the 'LineExtensionAmount's in all of the invoice
>> lines plus the sum of the invoice 'AllowanceCharge' charges minus
>> the sum of the invoice 'AllowanceCharge' allowances
> There are AllowanceCharges at header and line level, which ones are
> you referring to?
>> Test Assertion ID: invoice-total-001.INVTOT003
>> Rule: given that there is only one currency used in the invoice and
>> that there is at least one invoice line with a line extension
> amount,
>> the 'AllowanceTotalAmount' in the invoice 'LegalMonetaryTotal' is
>> equal to the the sum of the invoice 'AllowanceCharge' allowances
>> minus the sum of the invoice 'AllowanceCharge' charges
> Don't agree. There is a ChargeTotalAmount in the LegalMonetaryTotal.
> AllowanceTotalAmount should be the total of allowances, and
> ChargeTotalAmount the total of charges.
>> Test Assertion ID: invoice-total-001.INVTOT004
>> Rule: given that there is only one currency used in the invoice and
>> that there is at least one invoice line with a line extension
> amount,
>> in the invoice 'LegalMonetaryTotal' the 'LineExtensionAmount' is
>> equal to the 'TaxExclusiveAmount' plus the 'AllowanceTotalAmount'
> I do not agree. The LineExtensionAmount equals the sum of
> LineExtensionAmounts at line level, as per your first rule.
>> Test Assertion ID: invoice-total-002.INVTOT005
>> Rule: [given that all test assertions in the test assertion set
>> 'invoice-total-001' are passed],
>> the 'PayableAmount' in the invoice 'LegalMonetaryTotal' is equal to
>> the TaxExclusiveAmount (in the invoice 'LegalMonetaryTotal')
>> plus the sum of the invoice total tax amounts (at invoice document
>> level)
> I'd say that TaxInclusiveAmount equals TaxExclusiveAmount plus the
> sum of the invoice total tax amounts.
> And PayableAmount is TaxInclusiveAmount minus the PrepaidAmount
> Regards, Oriol
>> These are expressed using XPath in the test assertions document:
>> http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/34247/ubl-ta-
>> draft-0-61.xml
>> I'm short on time but hope to be able to add these to the UBL wiki
>> if there aren't objections.
>> Best regards
>> ---
>> Stephen D Green
>> 2009/6/25 Stephen Green
>> <stephen.green@documentengineeringservices.com>:
>>> OK, now on [pause].
>>> I'll come back to this thread when I've got some test assertions
>>> written
>>> for the UBL calculation model.
>>> Best
>>> Stephen D Green
>>> 2009/6/24 Stephen Green
>>> <stephen.green@documentengineeringservices.com>:
>>>> The other advantage of using XPath ...
>>>> [ like one starting
> doc("http://docs.oasis-open.org/ubl/...";)/...
>>>> to say something about the
>>>> schema (e.g. to extract a dictionary entry name if you really
>>>> need one)
>>>> or doc($instance)/Invoice/... to assert something about the
> invoice
>>>> (where another reference
>>>> defines $instance), e.g. using a variable assignment element of
> the
>>>> xpath-profile test assertion ]
>>>> ... is that you can make the assertion(s) executable. You can
>>>> perhaps
>>>> convert to Schematron
>>>> for individual assertions or if you want to chain the assertions
>>>> (make
>>>> one dependant on the
>>>> outcome of testing an invoice according to another) you can
>>>> (eventually) use a test assertion
>>>> xpath profile execution engine. For the latter you may need to
> wait
>>>> for tools to be in production
>>>> or write your own but WS-I is doing the latter quite successfully
>>>> and
>>>> I hope there will be tools
>>>> soon, perhaps some free ones.
>>>> The Balisage 2009 XML conference will feature a presentation on
> this
>>>> by Jacques Durand of
>>>> Fujitsu US / WS-I / OASIS (TAG Chair, TAB, etc) which should be
>>>> excellent (plus Ken and I
>>>> both get a mention!).
>>>> Stephen D Green
>>>> 2009/6/24 G. Ken Holman <gkholman@cranesoftwrights.com>:
>>>>> At 2009-06-24 19:36 +1000, jaymuz@optusnet.com.au wrote:
>>>>>> Sorry to jump in gents but I was looking to build this myself
>>>>>> however you
>>>>>> gentleman know your way around these datasets better than I do
>>>>>> and I am
>>>>>> hoping you may already have same.
>>>>>> Do we have a list of BBIE's that may play a role in calculating
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> balance of an amount in an invoice?
>>>>> You can see that Stephen and I have started here:
>>>>>  http://wiki.oasis-open.org/ubl/Example_Calculation_Models/
>>>>> Invoice_Tax_Total
>>>>> ... where you can see we are using "nsprefix:UBLName" and
>>>>> definition,
>>>>> assuming a documentary set (not required set) of namespace
>>>>> prefixes listed
>>>>> here:
>>>>>  http://wiki.oasis-open.org/ubl/Example_Calculation_Models#ns
>>>>>> I am talking all BBIE's that could form part of a calculation.
>>>>>> This would include a price in a catelogue that may transfer to
>>>>>> an order.
>>>>>> This would not include the address of a supplier.
>>>>>> A list that would be useful would be:
>>>>>> UBL Name | Object Class | Property Term | Data Type | Definition
>>>>> Given that "nsprefix:UBLName" combination will uniquely find the
>>>>> other
>>>>> information, and that applications will use "nsprefix:UBLName"
>>>>> for access to
>>>>> the information from programs or from stylesheets, I suspect our
>>>>> level of
>>>>> detail is sufficient.
>>>>> One drawback to your proposed list is that it doesn't show
>>>>> context (many UBL
>>>>> business entities are used in multiple contexts), so I'm
>>>>> proposing an XPath
>>>>> pattern address to the item in question and then a relative
>>>>> XPath address to
>>>>> the components on which it is based.  The information you want
>>>>> can be
>>>>> derived unambiguously from the "nsprefix:UBLName" components
>>>>> used in the
>>>>> XPath addresses.
>>>>> For example, consider the common library entry:
>>>>>  TaxTotal | Tax Total. Tax Amount. Amount | The total tax amount
>>>>> for ...
>>>>> This has different contexts just in our first examples:
>>>>>  /in:Invoice/cac:TaxTotal/cbc:TaxAmount
>>>>>  /in:Invoice/cac:InvoiceLine/cac:TaxTotal/cbc:TaxAmount
>>>>> ... so your level of granularity would not distinguish these two
>>>>> different
>>>>> contexts.
>>>>>> If not I will try and build one myself.
>>>>> It would help if you could join the committee and contribute to
>>>>> the work of
>>>>> the HISC.  If not, then submitting your contributions through
>>>>> the official
>>>>> TC comment page is the way to have the committee formally
>>>>> consider your
>>>>> input:
>>>>>  http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/comments/form.php?
>>>>> wg_abbrev=ubl
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> . . . . . . . . . . . Ken
>>>>> --
>>>>> Crane Softwrights Ltd.          http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/u/
>>>>> Training tools: Comprehensive interactive XSLT/XPath 1.0/2.0
> video
>>>>> Video lesson:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrNjJCh7Ppg&fmt=18
>>>>> Video overview:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTiodiij6gE&fmt=18
>>>>> G. Ken Holman                 mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
>>>>> Male Cancer Awareness Nov'07  http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/u/bc
>>>>> Legal business disclaimers:  http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/legal
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