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Subject: Re: Draft 4 of UBL 2 Invoice Calculation Model Rules

Error found yet again (! drat !) - that's the problem rushing this out
to the list bit by bit.

Will need yet another draft of rule 8

U2ICMDraft5Rule8: "The 'PayableAmount' in the invoice
'LegalMonetaryTotal' SHOULD be
			equal to any 'TaxInclusiveAmount' (in the invoice 'LegalMonetaryTotal')
			minus any 'PrepaidAmount' (in the invoice 'LegalMonetaryTotal') unless
			there is no 'TaxInclusiveAmount' in which case the 'PayableAmount'
			SHOULD equal the 'TaxExclusiveAmount' minus
                        any 'PrepaidAmount' (with the exception of there being
			no 'TaxExclusiveAmount' in the invoice 'LegalMonetaryTotal')."

At least that's what I think it should be. What should be the effect of a
Prepaid amount when there is no tax and therefore possibly no
Is the above correct?

Stephen D Green

2009/10/8 Stephen Green <stephengreenubl@gmail.com>:
> Draft 4 of UBL 2 Invoice Calculation Model Rules
>    The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL
>     "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
>     RFC 2119.
>     http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt
> -------
> U2ICMDraft4Rule1:
> "To be a conforming UBL 2 invoice the document MUST be valid according
> to a standard UBL 2 Invoice schema."
> [A prerequisite to the following rules is that all amounts concerned
> are expressed in the same currency.]
> U2ICMDraft4Rule2:
> "The 'LineExtensionAmount' in the invoice 'LegalMonetaryTotal' SHOULD
> equal the sum of all 'LineExtensionAmount's in all of the invoice lines."
> U2ICMDraft4Rule3:
> "The 'TaxExclusiveAmount' in the invoice 'LegalMonetaryTotal' SHOULD
> equal the sum of the 'LineExtensionAmount's in all of the invoice lines
> plus the sum of the invoice 'AllowanceCharge' charges minus the sum of
> the invoice 'AllowanceCharge' allowances (with the exception of there
> being no 'TaxExclusiveAmount' in the invoice 'LegalMonetaryTotal')."
> U2ICMDraft4Rule4:
> "The 'AllowanceTotalAmount' in the invoice 'LegalMonetaryTotal' SHOULD
> equal the sum of any invoice 'AllowanceCharge' allowances."
> U2ICMDraft4Rule5:
> "The 'ChargeTotalAmount' in the invoice 'LegalMonetaryTotal' SHOULD
> equal the sum of any invoice 'AllowanceCharge' charges."
> U2ICMDraft4Rule6:
> "The 'LineExtensionAmount' in the invoice 'LegalMonetaryTotal' SHOULD
> equal the 'TaxExclusiveAmount' plus any 'AllowanceTotalAmount' minus
> any 'ChargeTotalAmount' (in the invoice 'LegalMonetaryTotal'), (with the
> exception of there being no 'TaxExclusiveAmount' in the invoice
> 'LegalMonetaryTotal')."
> U2ICMDraft4Rule7:
> "Any 'TaxInclusiveAmount' in the invoice 'LegalMonetaryTotal' SHOULD be
> equal to the 'TaxExclusiveAmount' (in the invoice 'LegalMonetaryTotal')
> plus the sum of any invoice total tax amounts (at invoice document level)
> (with the exception of there being tax amounts in currencies other
> than the currency of the invoice totals or there being is no
> 'TaxExclusiveAmount' in the invoice 'LegalMonetaryTotal')."
> U2ICMDraft4Rule8:
> "The 'PayableAmount' in the invoice 'LegalMonetaryTotal' SHOULD be
> equal to any 'TaxInclusiveAmount' (in the invoice 'LegalMonetaryTotal')
> minus any 'PrepaidAmount' (in the invoice 'LegalMonetaryTotal') unless
> there is no 'TaxInclusiveAmount' in which case the 'PayableAmount'
> SHOULD equal the 'TaxExclusiveAmount' (with the exception of there being
> no 'TaxExclusiveAmount' in the invoice 'LegalMonetaryTotal')."
> U2ICMDraft4Rule9:
> "The sum of any invoice document level tax total amounts SHOULD equal the
> sum of any document level subtotal tax amounts (with the exception of
> there being tax amounts in currencies other than the currency of the
> invoice totals)."
> ------
> Stephen D Green

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