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Subject: Mime types for UBL 2.1 JSON Alternative Representation

Dear UBL Committee

Tradeshift is happy to see the formalization of an JSON alternative UBL representation in form of JSON (draft-04) Schemas [0]. We are in the process of aligning our own JSON representations to match these. In that process, we would like to differentiate between our own JSON representation and the official [0] using Mime Types (RFC7231, Section 3.1, Content-Type; RFC4288 Section 3.2). While we could use our own, vendor-based, Mime Type for this purpose, we strongly believe in inter-operability and standardization. 

I have been unable to find any previous discussion of this, please bear with me if this has been discussed before:
Are there plans for submitting Mime Types for UBL to IANA [1]?
If such name(s) has been submitted, what are they?

In liu of any previous discussion, we would like kick it of the following suggestions:

# Universal Business Language XML Canonical Representation

# Universal Business Language JSON Alternative Representation

Thank you for your consideration. 

[0] https://docs.oasis-open.org/ubl/UBL-2.1-JSON/v1.0/UBL-2.1-JSON-v1.0.html
[1] https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types 

Kinds regards
Troels Nørgaard

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