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Subject: Statement of Use for UBL 2.2 CS01 from eSENS

Dear OASIS community,


The eSENS eTendering pilot has been successfully using the UBL 2.2 Committee Specification 01, as approved and published by OASIS on March 22, 2018 in accordance with the mandatory conformance clauses specified therein and OASIS policy.


European Single Procurement Document and access to procurement procedures All member states of the European Community agreed upon uniform selection and qualification criteria in European public procurement.

The parliament passed regulations stating exactly which criteria to use and in which format to respond. This facilitates one European single market allowing business to grow and expend their market share throughout Europe.


The European digital single market facilitates this unification process with one semantic standard, called the European Single Procurement Document (ESPD). Thanks to UBL 2.2 the ESPD can be mapped to a syntax, allowing e-Procurement service providers to implement ESPD services for their customers. Today thousands of European public buyers uses UBL 2.2 in their procurement processes to select the best qualified suppliers. Indeed one single European Market.


The European community consists of 28 member states. In each member state e-Procurement solutions emerged, causing all kinds of new obstacles for suppliers to enter the market. To get access to procurement opportunities one needs to register on at least 28 portals. This is not really one single market.


European service providers joined forces and piloted digital services to connect procurement portals and systems. This allows suppliers to get access to all European public procurement procedures via one portal. UBL 2.2 provides the common language in which all messages are exchanged. e-Procurement service providers use UBL 2.2 to facilitate communication between a public buyer using one system in country A with a supplier using another system in country B. Indeed this is one single European Market.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Kornelis Drijfhout

Former projectlead eTendering pilot eSENS from
TenderNed & Programmabureau e-factureren

PIANOo, Expertisecentrum Aanbesteden
Prinses Beatrixlaan 2, 2595 AL
Den Haag

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t:  070-379 82 80
m: 06-52 55 70 18

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