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Subject: Input spec: status update

Attached are the latest Python script, and configuration file, annot.txt 

More top-down-ish, and the result is definitely looking more like 
something a form author would immediately grok. Still todo: the 
recursive bits, which show below with trailing slashes. More detail is 
in the Python comments.

Here is the output, when run on this morning's XPath files:

Summary of DespatchAdvice
1..1 da:ID stringinput (required)
0..1 cbc:CopyIndicator stringinput
1..1 cbc:IssueDate dateinput (required)
0..1 da:DocumentStatusCode stringinput
0..1 da:DespatchAdviceTypeCode stringinput
0..1 cbc:Note textarea
0..n cac:OrderReference/ group
1..1 cac:BuyerParty/ group (required)
1..1 cac:SellerParty/ group (required)
0..1 da:FreightForwarderParty/ group
0..n cac:Delivery/ group
1..n cac:DespatchLine/ group (required)

Summary of Invoice
1..1 in:ID stringinput (required)
0..1 cbc:CopyIndicator stringinput
1..1 cbc:IssueDate dateinput (required)
0..1 in:InvoiceTypeCode stringinput
0..1 cbc:Note textarea
0..1 in:TaxPointDate dateinput
0..n cac:OrderReference/ group
1..1 cac:BuyerParty/ group (required)
1..1 cac:SellerParty/ group (required)
0..n cac:Delivery/ group
0..1 cac:PaymentMeans/ group
0..n cac:PaymentTerms/ group
0..n cac:AllowanceCharge/ group
0..n cac:TaxTotal/ group
1..1 cac:LegalTotal/ group (required)
1..n cac:InvoiceLine/ group (required)

Summary of Order
0..1 po:BuyersID stringinput
0..1 po:SellersID stringinput
0..1 cbc:CopyIndicator stringinput
1..1 cbc:IssueDate dateinput (required)
0..1 cbc:Note textarea
0..1 cbc:LineExtensionTotalAmount decimalinput
1..1 cac:BuyerParty/ group (required)
1..1 cac:SellerParty/ group (required)
0..1 po:OriginatorParty/ group
0..n cac:Delivery/ group
0..1 cac:DeliveryTerms/ group
0..1 cac:SalesConditions/ group
1..n cac:OrderLine/ group (required)

Summary of OrderCancellation
1..1 xo:ID stringinput (required)
0..1 cbc:CopyIndicator stringinput
1..1 xo:IssueDateTime datetimeinput (required)
0..1 xo:DocumentStatusCode stringinput
0..1 cbc:Note textarea
1..1 xo:CancellationNote textarea (required)
0..1 xo:ResponseRequiredIndicator stringinput
0..1 xo:AcceptedIndicator stringinput
1..n cac:OrderReference/ group (required)
1..1 cac:BuyerParty/ group (required)
1..1 cac:SellerParty/ group (required)

Summary of OrderChange
0..1 co:BuyersID stringinput
0..1 co:SellersID stringinput
0..1 cbc:CopyIndicator stringinput
1..1 cbc:IssueDate dateinput (required)
0..1 co:DocumentStatusCode stringinput
1..1 co:SequenceNumberID stringinput (required)
0..1 cbc:Note textarea
0..1 co:AcknowledgementResponseCode stringinput
0..1 cbc:LineExtensionTotalAmount decimalinput
0..n cac:OrderReference/ group
1..1 cac:BuyerParty/ group (required)
1..1 cac:SellerParty/ group (required)
0..1 co:OriginatorParty/ group
0..n cac:Delivery/ group
0..1 cac:DeliveryTerms/ group
0..1 cac:SalesConditions/ group
1..n cac:OrderLine/ group (required)

Summary of OrderResponse
0..1 ro:BuyersID stringinput
0..1 ro:SellersID stringinput
0..1 cbc:CopyIndicator stringinput
1..1 cbc:IssueDate dateinput (required)
0..1 ro:DocumentStatusCode stringinput
0..1 cbc:Note textarea
0..1 cbc:TaxTotalAmount decimalinput
0..1 cbc:LineExtensionTotalAmount decimalinput
1..n cac:OrderReference/ group (required)
1..1 cac:BuyerParty/ group (required)
1..1 cac:SellerParty/ group (required)
0..1 ro:OriginatorParty/ group
0..n cac:Delivery/ group
0..1 cac:DeliveryTerms/ group
1..n ro:RespondedOrderLine/ group (required)

Summary of OrderResponseSimple
1..1 rs:ID stringinput (required)
0..1 cbc:CopyIndicator stringinput
1..1 cbc:IssueDate dateinput (required)
0..1 rs:DocumentStatusCode stringinput
0..1 cbc:Note textarea
1..1 rs:AcceptedIndicator stringinput (required)
0..1 rs:RejectionNote textarea
1..1 cac:OrderReference/ group (required)
1..1 cac:BuyerParty/ group (required)
1..1 cac:SellerParty/ group (required)

Summary of ReceiptAdvice
1..1 ra:ID stringinput (required)
0..1 cbc:CopyIndicator stringinput
1..1 cbc:IssueDate dateinput (required)
0..1 ra:DocumentStatusCode stringinput
0..1 cbc:Note textarea
0..n cac:OrderReference/ group
1..1 cac:BuyerParty/ group (required)
1..1 cac:SellerParty/ group (required)
0..1 ra:FreightForwarderParty/ group
0..n cac:Delivery/ group
1..n cac:ReceiptLine/ group (required)

  Available for consulting. XForms, web forms, information overload.
  Micah Dubinko                           mailto:micah@dubinko.info
  Brain Attic, L.L.C.                        http://brainattic.info
  Yahoo IM: mdubinko                                +1 623 298 5172
  Learn XForms today: http://xformsinstitute.com


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