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Subject: Latest Input Spec progress
Attached. As before, the script contains extensive comments. Below is the generated output, which appears to be a complete description of UBLSBS as described by the input XPath files. Keep on the lookout for things (like cac:ID?) that are probably not relevant to end-user form fillers. The markers like 5--- are temporary and indicate progress down successive depths of the XML, looking for not-already-described groups. Here are the next steps, from the comments in the Python: TODO: intelligently deal with cardinality, so that 1..7 for example gets treated as a repeating section TODO: In the recursion, everything that nests is currently split out. Need an exception list for things to flatten TODO: Identify places that actually use lists, then list possible values TODO: Figure out what code lists make sense to represent here. Possibly: opencodelist-<name> closedcodelist-<name> --- ~/itds/projects/ubl_input mdubinko$ python CreateInputSpec.py ===== Global Groups ======= cac:DeliveryTerms: 0..1 cbc:SpecialTerms stringinput cac:PaymentMeans: 1..1 cac:PaymentMeansCode stringinput (required) 0..1 cbc:DuePaymentDate dateinput 0..1 cac:PayeeFinancialAccount/ group cac:DespatchLine: 1..1 cac:ID stringinput (required) 0..1 cac:LineStatusCode stringinput 0..1 cbc:DeliveredQuantity numberinput 0..1 cbc:BackorderQuantity numberinput 0..1 cbc:BackorderReason stringinput 0..1 cbc:Note textarea 1..n cac:OrderLineReference/ group (required) 1..1 cac:Item/ group (required) cac:SalesConditions: 0..1 cbc:Description stringinput cac:InvoiceLine: 1..1 cac:ID stringinput (required) 0..1 cac:LineStatusCode stringinput 0..1 cbc:InvoicedQuantity numberinput 1..1 cbc:LineExtensionAmount decimalinput (required) 0..n cac:OrderLineReference/ group 0..n cac:TaxTotal/ group 1..1 cac:Item/ group (required) cac:LegalTotal: 0..1 cbc:LineExtensionTotalAmount decimalinput 0..1 cbc:TaxExclusiveTotalAmount decimalinput 1..1 cbc:TaxInclusiveTotalAmount decimalinput (required) cac:Delivery: 0..1 cbc:ActualDeliveryDateTime datetimeinput 0..1 cac:DeliveryAddress/ group cac:ReceiptLine: 1..1 cac:ID stringinput (required) 0..1 cac:LineStatusCode stringinput 0..1 cbc:ReceivedQuantity numberinput 0..1 cbc:ShortQuantity numberinput 0..1 cbc:RejectedQuantity numberinput 0..1 cac:RejectReasonCode stringinput 0..1 cbc:Note textarea 0..n cac:OrderLineReference/ group 0..n cac:DespatchLineReference/ group 0..n cac:OrderedItemIdentification/ group cac:TaxTotal: 1..1 cbc:TotalTaxAmount decimalinput (required) 0..n cac:TaxSubTotal/ group cac:PaymentTerms: 0..1 cbc:Note textarea cac:SellerParty: 0..1 cac:BuyerAssignedAccountID stringinput 0..1 cac:SellerAssignedAccountID stringinput 0..1 cac:Party/ group cac:OrderLine: 0..1 cbc:Note textarea 1..1 cac:LineItem/ group (required) cac:AllowanceCharge: 1..1 cbc:ChargeIndicator stringinput (required) 0..1 cac:ReasonCode stringinput 0..1 cbc:MultiplierFactorNumeric numberinput 0..1 cbc:Amount decimalinput cac:OrderReference: 0..1 cac:BuyersID stringinput 0..1 cac:SellersID stringinput 0..1 cac:DocumentStatusCode stringinput 0..1 cbc:IssueDate dateinput cac:BuyerParty: 0..1 cac:BuyerAssignedAccountID stringinput 0..1 cac:SellerAssignedAccountID stringinput 0..1 cac:Party/ group 4--- cac:DespatchLineReference: 1..1 cac:LineID stringinput (required) 0..1 cac:LineStatusCode stringinput 0..1 cac:DocumentReference/ group cac:OrderLineReference: 0..1 cac:BuyersLineID stringinput 0..1 cac:SellersLineID stringinput 0..1 cac:OrderReference/ group cac:Item: 0..1 cbc:Description stringinput 0..1 cac:SellersItemIdentification/ group 0..n cac:BasePrice/ group cac:LineItem: 0..1 cac:BuyersID stringinput 0..1 cac:SellersID stringinput 0..1 cac:LineStatusCode stringinput 0..1 cbc:Quantity numberinput 0..1 cbc:LineExtensionAmount decimalinput 0..1 cbc:TaxTotalAmount decimalinput 1..1 cac:Item/ group (required) cac:DeliveryAddress: 0..1 cbc:StreetName stringinput 0..1 cbc:BuildingName stringinput 0..1 cbc:BuildingNumber stringinput 0..1 cbc:CityName stringinput 0..1 cbc:PostalZone stringinput 0..1 cbc:CountrySubentity stringinput 0..1 cac:AddressLine/ group 0..1 cac:Country/ group cac:Party: 0..1 cac:PartyName/ group 0..1 cac:Address/ group 0..n cac:PartyTaxScheme/ group 0..1 cac:Contact/ group cac:PayeeFinancialAccount: 0..1 cac:ID stringinput 0..1 cbc:Name stringinput 0..1 cac:AccountTypeCode stringinput 0..1 cac:CurrencyCode stringinput 0..1 cac:FinancialInstitutionBranch/ group 0..1 cac:Country/ group cac:OrderedItemIdentification: 1..1 cac:ID stringinput (required) cac:TaxSubTotal: 0..1 cbc:TaxableAmount decimalinput 1..1 cbc:TaxAmount decimalinput (required) 1..1 cac:TaxCategory/ group (required) 5--- cac:FinancialInstitutionBranch: 0..1 cac:ID stringinput 0..1 cbc:Name stringinput 0..1 cac:FinancialInstitution/ group 0..1 cac:Address/ group cac:PartyName: 1..n cbc:Name stringinput (required) cac:PartyTaxScheme: 0..1 cbc:ExemptionReason stringinput 1..1 cac:TaxScheme/ group (required) cac:AddressLine: 0..1 cac:AddressLine/ group cac:DocumentReference: 1..1 cac:ID stringinput (required) 0..1 cbc:CopyIndicator stringinput 0..1 cbc:IssueDate dateinput cac:Address: 0..1 cbc:StreetName stringinput 0..1 cbc:BuildingName stringinput 0..1 cbc:BuildingNumber stringinput 0..1 cbc:CityName stringinput 0..1 cbc:PostalZone stringinput 0..1 cbc:CountrySubentity stringinput 0..1 cac:AddressLine/ group 0..1 cac:Country/ group cac:Contact: 0..1 cbc:Name stringinput 0..1 cbc:Telephone stringinput 0..1 cbc:Telefax stringinput 0..1 cbc:ElectronicMail stringinput cac:SellersItemIdentification: 1..1 cac:ID stringinput (required) cac:Country: 0..1 cac:Country/ group cac:BasePrice: 1..1 cbc:PriceAmount decimalinput (required) cac:TaxCategory: 1..1 cac:ID stringinput (required) 1..1 cac:TaxScheme/ group (required) 6--- cac:TaxScheme: 0..1 cac:ID stringinput 0..1 cac:TaxTypeCode stringinput cac:FinancialInstitution: 0..1 cac:ID stringinput 0..1 cbc:Name stringinput 0..1 cac:Address/ group DespatchAdvice ============================ Summary of DespatchAdvice 1..1 da:ID stringinput (required) 0..1 cbc:CopyIndicator stringinput 1..1 cbc:IssueDate dateinput (required) 0..1 da:DocumentStatusCode stringinput 0..1 da:DespatchAdviceTypeCode stringinput 0..1 cbc:Note textarea 0..n cac:OrderReference/ group 1..1 cac:BuyerParty/ group (required) 1..1 cac:SellerParty/ group (required) 0..1 da:FreightForwarderParty/ group 0..n cac:Delivery/ group 1..n cac:DespatchLine/ group (required) Local groups for DespatchAdvice ----------------------------- da:FreightForwarderParty: 0..1 cac:PartyName/ group 0..1 cac:Address/ group 0..n cac:PartyTaxScheme/ group 0..1 cac:Contact/ group Invoice ============================ Summary of Invoice 1..1 in:ID stringinput (required) 0..1 cbc:CopyIndicator stringinput 1..1 cbc:IssueDate dateinput (required) 0..1 in:InvoiceTypeCode stringinput 0..1 cbc:Note textarea 0..1 in:TaxPointDate dateinput 0..n cac:OrderReference/ group 1..1 cac:BuyerParty/ group (required) 1..1 cac:SellerParty/ group (required) 0..n cac:Delivery/ group 0..1 cac:PaymentMeans/ group 0..n cac:PaymentTerms/ group 0..n cac:AllowanceCharge/ group 0..n cac:TaxTotal/ group 1..1 cac:LegalTotal/ group (required) 1..n cac:InvoiceLine/ group (required) Order ============================ Summary of Order 0..1 po:BuyersID stringinput 0..1 po:SellersID stringinput 0..1 cbc:CopyIndicator stringinput 1..1 cbc:IssueDate dateinput (required) 0..1 cbc:Note textarea 0..1 cbc:LineExtensionTotalAmount decimalinput 1..1 cac:BuyerParty/ group (required) 1..1 cac:SellerParty/ group (required) 0..1 po:OriginatorParty/ group 0..n cac:Delivery/ group 0..1 cac:DeliveryTerms/ group 0..1 cac:SalesConditions/ group 1..n cac:OrderLine/ group (required) Local groups for Order ----------------------------- po:OriginatorParty: 0..1 cac:PartyName/ group 0..1 cac:Address/ group 0..n cac:PartyTaxScheme/ group 0..1 cac:Contact/ group OrderCancellation ============================ Summary of OrderCancellation 1..1 xo:ID stringinput (required) 0..1 cbc:CopyIndicator stringinput 1..1 xo:IssueDateTime datetimeinput (required) 0..1 xo:DocumentStatusCode stringinput 0..1 cbc:Note textarea 1..1 xo:CancellationNote textarea (required) 0..1 xo:ResponseRequiredIndicator stringinput 0..1 xo:AcceptedIndicator stringinput 1..n cac:OrderReference/ group (required) 1..1 cac:BuyerParty/ group (required) 1..1 cac:SellerParty/ group (required) OrderChange ============================ Summary of OrderChange 0..1 co:BuyersID stringinput 0..1 co:SellersID stringinput 0..1 cbc:CopyIndicator stringinput 1..1 cbc:IssueDate dateinput (required) 0..1 co:DocumentStatusCode stringinput 1..1 co:SequenceNumberID stringinput (required) 0..1 cbc:Note textarea 0..1 co:AcknowledgementResponseCode stringinput 0..1 cbc:LineExtensionTotalAmount decimalinput 0..n cac:OrderReference/ group 1..1 cac:BuyerParty/ group (required) 1..1 cac:SellerParty/ group (required) 0..1 co:OriginatorParty/ group 0..n cac:Delivery/ group 0..1 cac:DeliveryTerms/ group 0..1 cac:SalesConditions/ group 1..n cac:OrderLine/ group (required) Local groups for OrderChange ----------------------------- co:OriginatorParty: 0..1 cac:PartyName/ group 0..1 cac:Address/ group 0..n cac:PartyTaxScheme/ group 0..1 cac:Contact/ group OrderResponse ============================ Summary of OrderResponse 0..1 ro:BuyersID stringinput 0..1 ro:SellersID stringinput 0..1 cbc:CopyIndicator stringinput 1..1 cbc:IssueDate dateinput (required) 0..1 ro:DocumentStatusCode stringinput 0..1 cbc:Note textarea 0..1 cbc:TaxTotalAmount decimalinput 0..1 cbc:LineExtensionTotalAmount decimalinput 1..n cac:OrderReference/ group (required) 1..1 cac:BuyerParty/ group (required) 1..1 cac:SellerParty/ group (required) 0..1 ro:OriginatorParty/ group 0..n cac:Delivery/ group 0..1 cac:DeliveryTerms/ group 1..n ro:RespondedOrderLine/ group (required) Local groups for OrderResponse ----------------------------- ro:RespondedOrderLine: 0..1 cac:SubstitutionStatusCode stringinput 0..1 cbc:Note textarea 1..1 cac:LineItem/ group (required) 0..n cac:SellerSubstitutedLineItem/ group ro:OriginatorParty: 0..1 cac:PartyName/ group 0..1 cac:Address/ group 0..n cac:PartyTaxScheme/ group 0..1 cac:Contact/ group OrderResponseSimple ============================ Summary of OrderResponseSimple 1..1 rs:ID stringinput (required) 0..1 cbc:CopyIndicator stringinput 1..1 cbc:IssueDate dateinput (required) 0..1 rs:DocumentStatusCode stringinput 0..1 cbc:Note textarea 1..1 rs:AcceptedIndicator stringinput (required) 0..1 rs:RejectionNote textarea 1..1 cac:OrderReference/ group (required) 1..1 cac:BuyerParty/ group (required) 1..1 cac:SellerParty/ group (required) ReceiptAdvice ============================ Summary of ReceiptAdvice 1..1 ra:ID stringinput (required) 0..1 cbc:CopyIndicator stringinput 1..1 cbc:IssueDate dateinput (required) 0..1 ra:DocumentStatusCode stringinput 0..1 cbc:Note textarea 0..n cac:OrderReference/ group 1..1 cac:BuyerParty/ group (required) 1..1 cac:SellerParty/ group (required) 0..1 ra:FreightForwarderParty/ group 0..n cac:Delivery/ group 1..n cac:ReceiptLine/ group (required) Local groups for ReceiptAdvice ----------------------------- ra:FreightForwarderParty: 0..1 cac:PartyName/ group 0..1 cac:Address/ group 0..n cac:PartyTaxScheme/ group 0..1 cac:Contact/ group --- -- Available for consulting. XForms, web forms, information overload. Micah Dubinko mailto:micah@dubinko.info Brain Attic, L.L.C. http://brainattic.info Yahoo IM: mdubinko +1 623 298 5172 Learn XForms today: http://xformsinstitute.com
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