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Subject: Updated formatting specifications ready for completion

Good morning Zarella (and HISC),

The attached gkholman-hisc-20060303-1350z.zzz ZIP file is a revised 
set of formatting specifications ready for you to complete.  I've 
completed UN220Order.xml in order to continue my development with the 
PDF files and the testing stylesheets.

I've also included procspec.htm which is my action item for the prose 
for the use of XSLT with DocBook both for massaging the formatting 
specifications and for extracting box information out of the 
formatting specifications.  You can incorporate this information into 
the document tree as you see fit ... it is only the prose that you 
will probably want to massage to fit with everything else.

In the ZIP august/ directory are all of the files from your work from August.

In the ZIP march/ directory are my modifications where I have 
modified all of the specification documents and:

  - restored the use of entities for namespace declarations 
(important for later)
  - changed use of annotations to match the now documented procspec.htm rules

While I have completed UN220Order.xml to use as an example of the new 
"filler" boxes that are needed, I have not yet added filler boxes to 
the other 7 forms.  I found adding the filler boxes to Order helped 
me to repair the row/column positions in Order (note that I did find 
some consistencies including in all of the forms with "country of 
origin" fields it appears that the earlier August stylesheet 
processing inadvertently copied the document field coordinates into 
the line-item coordinates, so these need to be massaged).

Meanwhile I will continue on with the creation of the PDF files for 
Order while you modify the other 7 specifications for the filler 
boxes and confirmation of the box locations and sizes.

Note that this box information is the highest priority, so when you 
have all 7 complete please post them and I'll work with them and feed 
back anything I find.

After I feed back my tests and PDF files, the specifications need to 
then be modified from UBL 1 XPath addresses to UBL 2 XPath addresses.

But for now, adding the filler boxes and confirming the data boxes 
will allow me to progress on my side in parallel.

Please let me know if you have any questions with how I've massaged 
the specification XML files, especially the completed Order document.

Thanks, Zarella!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ken

At 2006-02-09 09:07 -0600, Zarella Rendon wrote:
>Here is the zip file of the current set of output formatting specifications
>created in Ottawa. It's a zip file with the extension changed to zzz.


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G. Ken Holman                 mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
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