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Subject: Re: [ubl-hisc] Minutes for 2006-03-07 HISC teleconferences

> >     - note regarding (1) above, that the wd-UBL-2-SBS-1.0.1 does not
> >       include any catalogue-related document types, but all the other
> >       document types in the Danish priorities appear to be included
> No comments at this time regarding the lack of catalogue-related
> document types.

Personally, I don't see an obvious way to subset the Catalogue-related
documents, except to include in them the SBS BIEs such as Address
and use the rest pretty much as-is. It might be just about feasible to do
this if there is a requirement and this method is agreeable. I don't think
it would take very long to do (cf Transport which would have more likelihood
of necessity for divergence from the SBS in a subset, eg better addressing
and for which I don't have much domain knowledge). The subsets might
end up quite large though compared to other SBS document subsets.

All the best


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