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Subject: Possible last draft of the UBL 1.0 data dictionary
Hello UBL TC, Attached is what may be the final draft of the UBL 1.0 data dictionary, at least final with regard to content. I still have not received names of the Chinese translators, so I have credited the China National Institute of Standardization; I will replace this with individual names if and when I can get them. The schedule we proposed in the Pacific TC call of 26 January was as follows: 2005.02.15: Begin HTML transformation and PSI generation 2005.03.15: Try to sign off on a complete CD candidate 2005.03.21: Begin CD balloting 2005.03.28: End CD balloting April 2005: Public review of the MLDD CD May 2005: Resolve comments received during review, using the Hangzhou UBL TC meeting to work on this June 2005: Reballot the CD and release it as a CD We haven't yet begun the planned HTML conversion and PSI generation, so from that angle we're way behind schedule, but I now wonder whether we might not want to deal with that as a separate deliverable. I'm not just thinking of the technical challenges here, but also of the spreadsheet functionality (in particular, the ability to hide some of the translations) that would be lost in converting to a simple table. Treating the HTML/PSI version as a separate deliverable would also put us right on schedule. :-) If we're successful in creating the HTML version, we can include that in the second CD scheduled for June. So what I would like to propose in today's Pacific TC call is that we approve the current version for a CD ballot, authorizing me as the editor to update the credits and to prepare an openoffice version to go along with the Excel version (if that's feasible within this schedule). I think that the DD in its present form is a uniquely useful document, and I'd like to put it into circulation as soon as possible. Jon
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