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Subject: [ubl-lcsc] [Packaging Team] Re: List of Release documents

The LC team have identifed four documents to supplement the actual release ...

* Overiew (a roadmap of where to start and how to find stuff)
* Scope Statement (the context or business rules of this package - this may require some other document that explains the perspective taken on the procurement /trade document set viz a viz the transport document set)
* Methodology ( how the modeling works)
* Case Studies (sample instances, stylesheets and examples of how these models can be applied and extended to other contexts)

We see the actual release comprising of....

* A set of XSD Schemas (normative)
* A spreadsheet of the document assemblies for each document type
* A UML Class diagram for each document type (views of the complete normalised diagram)
* A UML Dependency diagram for each document type (views of the complete normalised diagram)
* A spreadsheet of the complete normalised model
* A UML Class diagram of the complete normalised model
* A UML Dependency diagram of the complete normalised model

Of the supplementary documents, I suspect the latter (Case Studies) will be the hardest to fit into our schedule.  It may be that we release these later (as we did last time).

Can i suggest we set up time on tomorrow's LC call to arrange a schedule for these supplementary documents?

lseaburg@midsouth.rr.com wrote:
We need to start putting together the list of release documents.
I have 4 people from the NDR SC that will help proofread and QA documents as part of a joint team between the two SCs.  These people are:  Kurt Conrad, Matt Gertner, Mike Grimley and myself.
The documents from NDR are:  (this is just a draft, Mavis add what you can, thanks)
The NDR Main document (Version 21 or 22)
Codelist paper from Eve
We have some others, but not sure where they will stand by release time.
Lisa Seaburg
AEON Consulting
Website: http://shell.gmi.net/~xmlgeek/
Email:  lseaburg@midsouth.rr.com
Alternative Email: xcblgeek@yahoo.com
Phone: 662-562-7676
Cellphone: 662-501-7676
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