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Subject: [ubl-lcsc] RE: [ubl-ndrsc] Actual version of UBL library as well asthe perl script

 Hello Bill and all,

I solved the problems. 
To 1: This was indeed a problem of the perl script. I removed the function call for generating of annotation within global declarded elements of BBIEs. 

To 2: This is a problem of the excel spreadsheet "UBL_Library_0p70_Reusable.xls". "Account. Contact. Details" is defined in this spreadsheet, but it is never used as an ASBIE in all another ABIEs.

I found a further problem within the spreadsheet "UBL_Library_0p70_Reusable.xls". There is an ASBIE "Forein Exchange_ Contract. Contract" defined within the ABIE "Exchange Rate. Details". But for this ASBIE doesn't existing an ABIE. It's necessary to define a ABIE for it. I deleted this element
within the schema "UBL_Library_0p70_Reusable.xsd". Otherwise, the schema will be not valid.

I attached the actual package on to this mail.

Kind regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: Burcham, Bill
To: Stuhec, Gunther; UBL-LCSC (ubl-lcsc@lists.oasis-open.org); ubl-ndrsc@lists.oasis-open.org
Sent: 22.01.2003 15:42
Subject: RE: [ubl-ndrsc] Actual version of UBL library as well as the perl script

A few problems I see with the new schemas.  I'm looking at "reusable"
1. Many of the globally defined elements are still carrying the
misleading annotation. This was the problem Tim was trying to fix with
last Friday's (long tag names) release. For instance, the (global)
CompanyRegistrationID element carries the documentation from "Party Tax
Scheme.Company Registration.Identifier".  The documentation annotation
on the element should be empty.  Note that the element that ref's this
one is documented correctly -- see the definition of
2. It's a bit hard to see this one, and it's more of a fine point -- not
a showstopper but the schema is defining global elements that are never
used (ref'ed).  For instance AccountsContact is defined but never
ref'ed.  I believe this is because the Perl is (correctly) following
rule R9 from NDR (R9 says you've got to gen one global element for each
complex type).  It seems to me now that R9 is superfluous.  R13 on its
own necessitates local elements ref'ing global elements.  R13 specifies
a _sufficient_ set of element declarations.  R9 prescribes extra ones.
Again, look at AccountsContact: R9 says we have to have an element
defined for it (alias)... but it's never used in any content model.  Who
is to say that when/if it is used in some content model -- possibly by a
document schema like Order, that the property term will be
'AccountsContact'?  I move for doing away with R9, adding a little text
to R13 to make it explicit that we need to create the ref'ed element
declaration and changing the Perl at some point in the future to reflect
the changes.
Now for some fun statistics on Gunther's latest schemas.  I'm looking
just at the "reusable" schema:
count(//xsd:complexType) that is the number of complex types 91.  To
this number we should add the 15 CCTs giving a total of 106.
count(//xsd:element[count(@ref) = 0]) that is the number of globally
defined elements: 275
count(//xsd:element[@ref]) that is the number of local elements ref'ing
globally defined ones: 570
So the average complex type is used 275/106 = 2.6 semantically distinct
ways.  That is, on average each complex type (structure) has about 3
different "meanings".  The distribution is skewed though.  Each ABIE had
exactly on element defined in terms of it, whereas the typical CCT might
have many (e.g. cct:IdentifierType has about 20 element defined in terms
of it).  There's more "aliasing" of the more "primitive" types.
The average element is used (ref'ed) at 570/275 = 2.1 places in the
vocabulary.  This is the central result of the latest script revisions.
Yesterday that number was 1, today it's 2.1.  To my mind this could be
interpreted as: a user of the UBL vocabulary has half as many names to
learn and remember.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Stuhec, Gunther [mailto:gunther.stuhec@sap.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 6:44 AM
To: UBL-LCSC (ubl-lcsc@lists.oasis-open.org);
Subject: [ubl-ndrsc] Actual version of UBL library as well as the perl

Hello all, 

I apologize that I'm a little bit late. But fixed some another bugs
within the perl script. That needed a little bit more time. Now, I
generated with the modified and bug fixed perl script the libraries as

--> I deleted "Details" from each aggregate. 
--> The namespaces are according our conventions. 

Kind regards, 



Attachment: baseline_22-01-03.zip
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