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Subject: UBL Type Usage & Dependency Information

I've attached a re-generated Reusable spreadsheet that has the
columns under type usage computed (ie, the "Y/N" values).
They appear somewhat different from those "Y/N" values 
tagged in the source spreadsheets.

Included in the zip is also a Reusable type dependency
text file that takes the format:

Type: [ Space-delimited list of other Reusable types that 
        Type uses or ultimately uses ]

For example, AddressType is listed as:

AddressType: [ CountryType LocationCoordinatesType ]

which means it uses, or ultimately uses, CountryType 
and LocationCoordinatesType.

For recursive type references, the Type itself is included
once in the right-hand-side, with a final remark saying

     - Recursion with "Type"

For your information, please.

Best Regards,
Chin Chee-Kai
Tel: +65-6820-2979
Fax: +65-6743-7875
Email: cheekai@SoftML.Net


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