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Subject: For Review: Code List Defaults


Here is a file containing just the codelist Namespace name,
Definition Default value, and its Ownership, taken from the
current Code List Catalogue.

The AI from today's meeting is to review these items to determine
which of them should be designated as "Standard" for the Definiton
Default.  The description of "Standard" and the other possible
options ("Placebo", "Stock", and "Private-Use") are at the end
of the list.

Please send comments to the LCSC list.


Code List Namespace             Code List Definition Default        Ownership
-------------------             ----------------------------        ---------

AccountTypeCode                 Placebo                             -
AllowanceChargeReasonCode       Placebo                             Negotiated
CancellationReasonCode          Placebo                             -
CardTypeCode                    Placebo                             Negotiated
CargoTypeCode                   Placebo                             External
ChannelCode                     Standard                            UBL
ChipCode                        Standard                            UBL
CommodityCode                   Placebo                             External
ContractTypeCode                Placebo                             -
CoordinateSystemCode            Placebo                             External
CountryIdentificationCode       Placebo                             External
CountrySubentityCode            Placebo                             -
CurrencyCode                    Placebo                             External
DespatchAdviceTypeCode          Placebo                             -
DispositionCode                 Placebo                             Negotiated
DocumentStatusCode              Placebo                             External
EmergencyCardCode               Placebo                             External
EmergencyProceduresCode         Placebo                             External
ExemptionReasonCode             Placebo                             Negotiated
FromEventCode                   Placebo                             Negotiated
FullnessIndicationCode          Placebo                             External
HandlingCode                    Placebo                             External
HazardousPackingCriteriaCode    Placebo                             External
InhalationToxicityZoneCode      Placebo                             External
InvoiceTypeCode                 Placebo                             External
IssuerTypeCode                  Placebo                             External
LatitudeDirectionCode           Standard                            UBL
LineStatusCode                  Placebo                             External
LocaleCode                      Placebo                             External
LongitudeDirectionCode          Standard                            UBL
MedicalFirstAidGuideCode        Placebo                             External
NatureCode                      Placebo                             -
OrderAcknowledgementCode        Standard                            UBL
OrderRejectionReasonCode        Placebo                             -
PaymentChannelCode              Placebo                             External
PaymentTypeCode                 Placebo                             Negotiated
PeriodDescriptionCode           Placebo                             External
PositionCode                    Placebo                             Negotiated
PriorityLevelCode               Placebo                             Negotiated
RateCategoryCode                Placebo                             -
RegulationCode                  Placebo                             External
RejectActionCode                Placebo                             Negotiated
RejectReasonCode                Placebo                             Negotiated
RiskResponsibilityCode          Placebo                             External
SalesConditionsActionCode       Placebo                             Negotiated
SealStatusCode                  Placebo                             External
ShortageActionCode              Placebo                             Negotiated
SubstitutionStatusCode          Standard                            UBL
TaxLevelCode                    Placebo                             Negotiated
TaxTypeCode                     Placebo                             -
TimingComplaintCode             Placebo                             Negotiated
TransitDirectionCode            Placebo                             External
TransportEquipmentSizeTypeCode  Placebo                             External
TransportEquipmentTypeCode      Placebo                             -
TransportMeansTypeCode          Placebo                             External
TransportModeCode               Placebo                             External
UNDGCode                        Placebo                             External
UnitTypeCode                    Placebo                             Negotiated
* Code List Categories (defined by codelist team):	
	Standard: - an important code list for interoperability; e.g.: status code - UBL will supply candidate values that should be sufficient to all users of UBL -  the values used in instances will be validated against the supplied values and    validating processors will correctly throw errors when invalid values are used
	Placebo: - an identified code list whose values should be agreed upon between trading partners - UBL "out of the box" will not enforce any validation of the coded values in these code lists,   and will so engage this by indicating the generic "normalized string" data type for fields    in which these coded values belong  - the values used in instances will only be validated as being a normalized string and    validating processors will not be able to detect that a supplied normalized string is    appropriate or not for the semantics of the transaction  - applications working with the instances have the responsibility of validating any    content found for these coded values 
	Stock: - a UBL-supplied collection of candidate values available to be used in place of "placebo" code lists - trading partners who agree to utilize the values supplied by   UBL can choose to replace the "placebo" lists with these "stock"   lists after getting UBL "out of the box"
	Private-Use: - trading partners should always have the ability to create and then utilize collections    of coded values of their own choosing  - "private-use" code lists can replace either "standard" code lists or "placebo" code lists    supplied in UBL "out of the box"  - trading partners can choose to implement validation of private code lists either in the   schema expression or in their applications but must do so without impacting on any    other code list used 

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