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Subject: [ubl-ndrsc] Agenda for 11 September 2002 UBL NDR SC meeting (joint mtgw/LC SC)
Agenda for 11 September 2002 UBL NDR SC meeting The NDR SC will meet by phone on Wednesday, 4 September 2002: - From 11:30am-1:00pm Eastern Daylight Time, the NDR SC and LC SC will meet jointly. PLEASE NOTE that this is a change from the original plan! The joint portion of the meeting is first, not last, to allow Tim McGrath to get some sleep. :-) - From 1:00-1:30pm EDT, the NDR SC will conduct other NDR-specific business. http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?year=2002&mon=09&day=11&hour=15&min=30&sec=0 Please use the following dial-in information: Toll-free (from the U.S.) +1 888 422 7141 International access/caller-paid +1 334 832 4208 Participant code 242-630 1. Roll call (quorum is 8) 2. Joint session begins: containership - Review Tim's paper: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-ndrsc/200209/msg00016.html and any subsequent writeup that he's able to prepare before we meet. Attempt to get joint agreement (though it may be unofficial) on modeling and representation of containers. We are also expecting Gunther to send his suggestions for additional kinds of containers beyond the three outlined last week. (And did Ray or someone else also have an action item?) 3. NDR-only session begins: Acceptance of minutes of previous meeting 4 September 2002 http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-ndrsc/200209/msg00008.html 4. Schedule planning - Do we want to publish the NDR document before the F2F, or after? - Do we still want to skip the September 25 meeting? - What items do we consider high-priority right now? A+ Containership IN PROGRESS A+ Embedded documentation NEARLY DONE A Code lists DONE A Dates and times IN PROGRESS A Nested supplementary components IN PROGRESS A Identifier references and whether to pass content by reference A- Local vs. global elements B Updating guiding principles B Modnamver URN/schema location B Referencing of content, e.g. for attachments C Facets C Wildcards/open content C Nillability C Aggregation of similar information for XPath V1.0 addressing 5. Review open action items Gunther: - Write content referencing paper. IN PROGRESS - Send date/time NDR snippets to Mavis. IN PROGRESS - With Arofan, prepare samples of how to handle second-tier attributes. IN PROGRESS - Bring the donkey to Burlington! Bill: - Update modnamver paper by September 11. - Start an email thread proposing a schema location solution. - NEW: Start a thread on RTs in aggregates and possible NDR document bugs in this area. 6. Adjourn -- Eve Maler +1 781 442 3190 Sun Microsystems cell +1 781 883 5917 XML Web Services / Industry Initiatives eve.maler @ sun.com
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