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Subject: [ubl-ndrsc] Minutes for 18 September 2002 UBL NDR SC meeting
PLEASE NOTE: We ARE meeting next week! We un-canceled the September 25 meeting. We will try to keep it under ONE HOUR. Minutes for 18 September 2002 UBL NDR SC meeting 1. Roll call (quorum is 8) Bill Burcham YES Mavis Cournane no Mark Crawford YES (joined y:40) Fabrice Desré no Arofan Gregory no Jessica Glace YES (joined y:40) Michael Grimley YES Eduardo Gutentag YES Eve Maler YES Sue Probert YES Lisa Seaburg YES Gunther Stuhec no Paul Thorpe YES Kris Ketels no Quorum not achieved as of x:42. We proceeded informally. Quorum achieved at y:40. 2. Acceptance of minutes of previous meeting 11 September 2002 http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-ndrsc/200209/msg00032.html Accepted. 3. Adoption of agenda Adopted. 4. Schedule planning and prioritizing We assume that our "proactive" work will conclude by the November F2F. We discussed what to do with undone work at the end of the year: Does the NDR document say "These will be fleshed out in the fullness of time", or does it say "These will be undertaken in a Phase 2 of this work next year"? ACTION: Eve to get this issue on the F2F agenda. Each of us listed up to five items that we think are most important: Sue: nested SCs, naming rules wrt CCTS V1.85 Lisa: date/time, code lists, facets, containership, local vs. global Eduardo: containership, nested SCs, modnamver, referencing strategies, date/time Eve: code lists, containership, local vs. global, CCT handcrafting, incorp'ing all decisions/issues Bill: CCTS 1.85 alignment, referencing strategies Michael: containership, local vs. global, code lists, date/time, embedded doc'n Paul: local vs. global, nested SCs, code lists, ASN.1 schema Totals: CCT module work (includes nested SCs, upgrading to 1.85 ...): 5 votes Local vs. global: 4 votes Code lists: 4 votes Containership: 4 votes Date/time: 3 votes (lump this in to the CCT module work) Referencing strategies: 2 votes Naming rules wrt CCTS V1.85: 1 vote Facet outreach (helping LC SC): 1 vote Modnamver: 1 vote Embedded doc'n: 1 vote ASN.1 schema: 1 vote Things that didn't get mentioned that we don't want to lose: Updating guiding principles Wildcards Nillability (Jessica) Instance constraints (Lisa) Our new prioritized list: A Local vs. global A Code lists A CCT module work (work on this at the F2F) A Containership (work on this at the F2F) B Referencing strategies B Naming rules wrt CCTS V1.85 C Facet outreach C Modnamver C Embedded documentation C ASN.1 schema C Updating guiding principles C Wildcards C Nillability C Instance constraints Bill also noted that it would be helpful to immediately start submitting CC discoveries to the UN/CEFACT folks. Sue reported that work is under way to accept such input. Today we will discuss local vs. global and code lists. Next week we will plan our F2F agenda and review the NDR document against previous meetings' minutes. 5. Review open action items Gunther: - Write content referencing paper. - Send date/time NDR snippets to Mavis. - With Arofan, prepare samples of how to handle second-tier attributes. - Bring the donkey to Burlington! Bill: - Update modnamver paper. (C) - Start an email thread proposing a schema location solution. (C) - Start a thread on RTs in aggregates and possible NDR document bugs in this area. CANCEL Arofan: - Update the embedded documentation writeup. Eve: - Suggest new F2F agenda item to Jon, as noted above. 6. Work on top one or two items discussed in agenda item #4 6. a. Local vs. global We are just waking up this issue now; we'll try to decide it at the F2F, when Fabrice will be present. We need to assess the three choices (local unqualified, local qualified, and global) against XSD derivation and see how the resulting schemas and instances look. We need to look at the following resources to help us understand what's at stake: Fabrice's position paper: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/ndrsc/archive/p-desre-localvsglobal-01.pdf Bill's role model paper: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/ndrsc/archive/draft-burcham-rolemodel-04.pdf Global elements would require that some of our sets of elements with the same name ("ID") would have to get different names. 6. b. Code lists Eve's message of last Friday listed several issues we can consider on the code list draft: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-ndrsc/200209/msg00035.html *The need for attributes for the supplementary components Mark thought that, in practice, it won't be safe to just use the namespace as a semantically clear indication of the code list being used. Bill pointed out that we'll have a proliferation of code types and code elements along the version axis, which may be okay -- it's sort of like static type checking as opposed to dynamic type checking (i.e., you have to check the versionID attribute before knowing how to understand the value). Sue and Mark mentioned examples of the same code list being published for pay by ISO and for free by UN/ECE, meaning that they're really considered different lists and would have different agencyIDs, versionIDs, etc. Our decision on this issue is to RETAIN the current structure, with attributes being required. *Whether to encourage/require foreign inner code elements We had originally rejected the possibility of using foreign code elements because of our local unqualified element decision. But since we're importing someone else's type, they can define their own foreign (to us) subelements anyway, and we would *have* to use them in namespaced fashion (assuming they're namespace-qualified, of course!). Eve's motivation in bringing up this idea is that it would make the code list schema module more "saleable" to all consumers, not just UBL (which is unusual in trying to define a standard vocabulary with unqualified elements). Sue noted that unit of measure codes and currency codes are the ones on which Commerce One receives the most inquiries. Bill and Eduardo were in favor of not telling code list agencies to define elements in addition to types, Eduardo on the grounds that if popular application support for elements grows, then UBL won't be able to take advantage of that software in its use of the types only. Bill's reasoning was that we shouldn't rehash our local vs. global decision, and it's consistent with that decision to require only code types. In the absence of support for reopening this, our decision is to RETAIN the current understanding that we just want code list agencies to define types. However, it's okay for the code list document to mention the non-normative possibility of defining elements as long as it doesn't send mixed messages to people who are striving for conformance to our spec. *Inner vs. outer code elements Eve decided, after all, not to champion this issue, so we dropped it. An outer code element is needed for XSD reasons (the neat and clean extension of its type by trading communities) and for ebXML reasons (it represents the true BIE; the inner code elements are just XML "mechanism"). 7. Adjourn Adjourned at z:20. Eve Maler +1 781 442 3190 Sun Microsystems cell +1 781 883 5917 XML Web Services / Industry Initiatives eve.maler @ sun.com
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