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Subject: [ubl-ndrsc] Minutes NDRSC 26 February 2003

Dear all
please find attached the minutes of today's NDR call. Please undertake any
action items assigned to you.
Additionally, if you have not already done so, please provide any regrets if
you need to be absent from next week's call
at the same time and number. This helps enormously with agenda planning.

1.  Roll Call and Welcome from the chair (Mavis), assignment of co-chair to
take minutes.

Mavis Cournane
Eduardo Gutentag
Jessica Glace
Michael Grimley
Paul Thorpe
Kris Ketels
Bill Burcham
Gunther Stuhec
Matt Gertner
Dan Vint
Fabrice Desré
Lisa Seaburg
Ann Hendry
Arofan Gregory
Sue Probert
Jim Wilson y:5
Eve Maler (regrets)
Jon Bosak (regrets)
Mark Crawford (AWOL)

Quorum achieved x:10

Paul gives regrets for the next two telecon meetings.
Kris gives regrets for the next telecon meeting.

2.  Acceptance of minutes from previous 2 meetings


Minutes Accepted

3.  Adoption of agenda/schedule planning
Add discussion on Generic Header at Kris's request if time permits.

4. Review priorities and assignment of work items (Mavis/Lisa/Mark)
A: Global vs Local in progress (ongoing)

A: Modnamver (ongoing)
Bill to update current v7 if suggestions from today
Lisa to help Bill craft it in to NDR rules for insertion
Matt to provide explanation of polymorphism and information on the namespace
name not being transitive
Arofan to provide examples to Bill.

A: Common Core Components (ongoing)
Mavis and Gunther to talk on the 27-02-03 about how to organize the document
to get help on crafting it. Lisa to talk to Gunther later about it too.

B: Embedded Documentation
Email vote held and accepted. Mavis to craft this in to the NDR document.

A: Codelists
This is in progress. Lisa will have it ready by the week after next. She is
getting help from Sue and Arofan. Additionally Sue told us that
the UN/ECE team working  have produced more code lists adhering to some of
the NDR code list rules. By the end of the week all
of their code lists will be implemented following some of our
Fabrice will review and comment upon the latest version of the document Lisa
has sent to the list.

5. Review NDR release schedule (Lisa)
Mavis and Lisa to talk to Mark about the rejuggling of the deadline

6. Review latest position on Modnamver (Bill)
This document is going to be maintained until Mark incorporates this in to
the NDR document.
Only the normative text that creates the rules will be part of the NDR doc,
and the position paper will
continue on the portal.

B: when you change the content of a namespace you change the schema target
Line 311 we are basing our approach on this option.
When you come out with UBL 1.0 it will have the minor number 0. Subsequent
minor releases begin with Minor .1

L330 is this the right point to talk about extensions in the schema modules
themselves. Bill talks about this later and defines what he means about
compatible and incompatible.

B: L336 those that don't like static early checking will dislike this.
B: 371 Those minor releases might add new functionality or repair bugs but
not break the contract made by the major version
E: Implies that the minor does imply a contract. Is that true.
B: there might be some sort of contract implied by minor.
A: yes but the minor contract is different.
E: a contract between the abstract UBL and user, whatever is in the major
version will be observed including during the final release. IF we change
that breaks things then it is going to be a different contract.
A: L 377-381 should talk about a minor revision of a namespace imports the
schema module from the previous version. The schema module defining 1.2 must
import 1.1
B: L391 talks about bootstrapping.
a: l365 add "breaks compatibility with the most recent release"
B: L390 word ns is used to mean 2 things. a particular version and also
family of versions. The invoice ns and the 1.2 invoice ns.
E: One is called ns and one is called ns name
B: L406 if you have a construct defining brand new type or elment old code
not able to manipulate this in a useful way.
L409 UBL users have right to expect a minor revision would be processable
provided the revision was an extension.
E: you are getting in to what compatability means.
A: In point 4 what you are talking about is polymorphic processing.
B: If you don't have a polymorphic process construtor.
M: Can you think of anything that talks about polymorphism. Some explanation
of what it is and cross reference it.

Matt to come up with something we can cross reference on polymorphism.
A: it is implied somone moving to a new release, that you move linearly
through the release, that somebody goes from major, through all the minor
and then up to a major.
B; is that really implied. Look at line 365 and reference the latest
release. Does not mean users have to upgrade everytime we make a new
A; If i go from 1.1 to 1.5 then I get the same benefits.
B: It is across the whole family that the constraints hold.
M: The namespace name of the invoice is not transitive.
A: We need another rule.
J: Could you cut and paste and send it to the listserv?
M: ref to provide ref to polymorphism and explanation it, and information
about the namespace  name not being transitive.
B: Does this mean invoice could explicity call out a particular version of
common aggregate types and use it direclty, and the
also import a namespace  that in turn imports a different version of c ag
A: if you want to use the constructs you hae to import them explicity.
B: XSD would force someone to do it anyway.
a: ACTION Arofan to provide Bill with an example.
A: namespace  aren't transitive, cite the spec and give an example.
B: spin this as good thing as it gives you encapsulation.

The following principles underpinned by Bill's document on Modularity,
Namespace and Versioning have been voted upon and agreed.
These principles and the prose of this document v8 will provide the basis
for the rules in the NDR document.
1. UBL namespace names shall include version identifiers.
2. The version identifier that is used in the namespace  name has two parts,
a major number and a minor number. The major number is incremented whenever
it contains any incompatible changes. The minor number is incremented with
any other type of changes.
3. UBL is composed of a number of namespaces each of which has its own
namespace name and, possibly and in practice, its own version identifiers.
There is no one to one correspondence between the various namespace versions
that make up a UBL release.
3. Once a namespsace and its associated namespace space name are published
they shall not change.
5. XSD import function will be used. In all cases a minor version imports
the immediately preceding minor version of the same major release.

Lisa and Mavis talk to Mark about the schedule
Lisa and Bill try to modify this for the NDR doc
Mavis and Gunther to have a call to talk about common core components.

7. Review Codelist output (Lisa)

Fabrice has agreed to take a look at this. Lisa said she will get this done
the week after next.

8. Updates on status of Local vs Global (Jim)

9. Result of email voting on Embedded Documentation (Lisa)
Rules accepted. Mavis will craft them for the NDR document.

10. Generic Header
Mavis Cournane
Cognitran Ltd.

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