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Subject: NDR documents up-to-date and republished

Fellow UBL NDRSC members,

I've addressed ticket UBL-289 and some missing graphics in the UBL NDR document in this package:


Now, like the hub document, all publishing is done on GitHub, so anyone can fork the repository to make changes to any of the five documents and when you push your changes you will get HTML publications returned.

The committee repository has the credentials also to create PDF publications for our final distribution.

If no-one finds a problem with these documents, then these are the working drafts that I will re-publish as committee drafts for our voting.

I worry that no-one has been able to make the time to review these. I am so close to these documents that I'm not convinced I'm doing a thorough enough review. Likely I'm making assumptions not being made by an independent reader. If you are able to make the time to read through these, then please do so ... it will help the committee have a better level of confidence in my work.

Have a great weekend!

. . . . . . Ken

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