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ubl-org-data message

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Subject: Meeting minutes 28-04-2021


Paul Donohoe
Yves Jordan
Ole Madsen
Natalie Muric

Paul presented his findings on the possible merger notification. 
The only electronic form found was the form for detailing the customers, suppliers, competitors etc that could be affected by a merger (see email of Paul of 28/04/2021).  This is in essence a business card. An eQuestionnaire exists: https://ec.europa.eu/competition/mergers/equestionnaire_en.html

During the meeting the notification of merger cases were found at: https://ec.europa.eu/competition/elojade/isef/index.cfm?fuseaction=dsp_merger_by_date which provides for each case information on the case.
The type and needs of data exchange need to be further examined with eventual contact with the parties concerned.

Paul to propose definition of BusinessPartyGroup
Yves update schema for BRIN
CÃcile to create Process description


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