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Subject: [Fwd: Changelog between draft 8 and draft 11]

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Changelog between draft 8 and draft 11
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2005 22:16:23 +0100
From: Mikkel Hippe Brun <mhb@itst.dk>
To: 'Mark Leitch' <ml@tritorr.com>, Peter Larsen Borresen <plb@itst.dk>, 'Tim McGrath' <tmcgrath@portcomm.com.au>, 'Sylvia Webb' <swebb@gefeg.com>

Peter has put me on hard work. Attached you will find a changelog and my
comments and suggestions. I would like to particpate in our next conference

Regards Mikkel 

tim mcgrath
phone: +618 93352228  
postal: po box 1289   fremantle    western australia 6160

DOCUMENT ENGINEERING: Analyzing and Designing Documents for Business Informatics and Web Services
Draft 11 from draft 8 change log

A number of errors has been corrected
New document ApplicationResponse
New document Catalogue
New document CatalogueDeletion
New document CatalogueItemSpecificationUpdate
New document CataloguePricingUpdate
New document CatalogueRequest

Changes AccountResponse
deleted DocumemntStatusCode in AccountResponse

Changes to CreditNote
inserted IssueTime
inserted TaxPointDate
deleted InvoicePeriod
inserted Signature

Changes to DebitNote
inserted IssueTime
removed Note
inserted Signature

Changes to DespatchAdvice
IssueDateTime changed to IssueDate and IssueTime
inserted Signature

Changes to Invoice
inserted IssueTime
inserted Signature

Changes to Order
inserted IssueTime
removed TaxTotalAmount
removed LineExtensionTotalAmount
inserted Contract
inserted Signature

Changes to OrderCancellation
inserted Signature

Changes to OrderChange
inserted IssueTime
inserted EarliestDate
inserted ExpiryDate
inserted LineExtensionTotalAmount
renamed TotalPackagesCountQuantity to TotalPackagesQuantity
renamed LineItemCountNumeric to LineCountNumeric
inserted TransactionReference
deleted TaxCurrencyCode
inserted ValidityPeriod
deleted OrderDocumentReference
deleted StatementDocumentReference
deleted RequisitionistDocumentReference
inserted OriginatorDocumentReference
inserted Signature
renamed BuyerParty to BuyerCustomerParty
renamed SellerParty to SellerSupplierParty
renamed OriginatorParty to OriginatorCustomerParty
renamed SalesConditions to TransactionConditions
inserted ProposedTaxTotal
inserted ProposedLegalTotal

Changes to OrderResponse
inserted IssueTime
deleted TaxTotalAmount
deleted LineExtensionTotalAmount
renamed TotalPackagesCountQuantity to TotalPackagesQuantity
deleted StatementDocumentReference
inserted Signature
renamed SalesConditions to TransactionConditions
inserted ProposedTaxTotal
inserted ProposedLegalTotal

Changes to OrderResponseSimple
deleted DocumentStatusCode
inserted TransactionReference
inserted AccountingCostCode
inserted Signature

Changes to Quotation
inserted IssueTime
deleted TaxTotalAmount
deleted LineExtensionTotalAmount
inserted Signature
renamed SalesConditions to TransactionConditions
inserted ProposedTaxTotal
inserted ProposedLegalTotal

Changes to ReceiptAdvice
IssueDateTime changed to IssueDate and IssueTime
inserted Signature

Changes to RemittanceAdvice
inserted IssueTime
inserted BillingDocumentReference
inserted Signature
inserted TaxTotal

Changes to RequestForQuotation
inserted IssueTime
inserted Signature

Changes to SelfBilledInvoice
inserted IssueTime
inserted Signature

Changes to SelfBilledCreditNote
inserted IssueTime
inserted Signature
inserted AllowanceCharge

Changes to Statement
inserted IssueTime
inserted Signature
inserted AllowanceCharge
inserted TaxTotal

Changes to ProcurementLibrary
inserted PriceChangeReason in BasePrice
inserted PriceType in BasePrice
inserted OrderableUnitFactorRate in BasePrice
inserted ValidityPeriod in BasePrice
inserted PriceList in BasePrice
inserted ApplicableAllowanceCharge in BasePrice
inserted CatalogueItem
inserted Classification
inserted ClassificationSchem
inserted ItemClassificationCode in CommodityClassification
inserted DeliveryUnit
inserted AdditionalItemProperty in LotIdentification
inserted PriceList
inserted TradingTerms

Changes to CommonProcurementLibrary
inserted Attachment
inserted Attachment in DocumentReference
inserted ExternalReference
inserted HazardousRiskIndicator in Item
inserted AdditionalInformation in Item
inserted Keyword in Item
inserted Brandname in Item
inserted ModelName in Item
renamed SaldesCondition to TransactionConditions in Item
inserted AdditionalItemProperty in Item
inserted ManufacturerParty in Item
inserted InformationContentProviderParty in Item
inserted OriginAddress in Item
inserted ItemComparison
inserted ManufactureDateTime in ItemInstance
inserted RegistrationDateTime in ItemInstance
inserted RegistrationID in ItemInstance
inserted SerialID in ItemInstance
inserted AdditionalItemProperty in ItemInstance
inserted ItemPropertyGroup
inserted ItemLocationQuantity
inserted ItemProperty
inserted LogoReferenceID in Party
inserted RelatedItem
inserted Response
inserted Signature
inserted AccountingDocumentReference
inserted PriceChangeReason in BasePrice
inserted PriceType in BacePrice
inserted OrderableUnitFactorRate in BacePrice
inserted ValidityPeriod in BacePrice
inserted PriceList in BacePrice
inserted ApplicableAllowanceCharege in BacePrice
inserted AccountingDocumentLine
inserted CardAccount
inserted CatalogueLine
inserted CatelogueReference
inserted ClassificationCategory
inserted ClassificationScheme
inserted ItemClassificationCodt in CommodityClassification
deleted LineStatusCode in CreditNoteLine
renamed BillingDocument to AccountingDocumentReference in CreditNoteLine
deleted LineStatusCode in DebitNote
renamed BillingDocument to AccountingDocumentReference in DebitNoteLine
inserted DeliveryUnit
inserted DocumentResponse
deleted LineStatusCode in invoiceLine
inserted TaxTotal in LegalTotal
deleted LineStatusCode in LineItem
inserted AccountingDocumentReference in LineReference
inserted LineResponse
inserted AdditionalItemProperty in LotIdentification
inserted PartyLegalEntity
inserted PriceList
inserted ReceiptLine
deleted LineStatusCode in RemittanceAdviceLine
deleted DebitLineAmount in RemittanceAdviceLine
deleted CreditLineAmount in RemittanceAdviceLine
renamed RelatedDocument to AccountingDocumentReference
deleted SalesConditions (renamed)
deleted SellerParty (renamed)
deleted LineStatusCode in StatementLine
deleted DebitLineAmount in StatementLine
deleted CreditLineAmount in StatementLine
renamed RelatedDocument to AccountingDocumentReference in StatementLine
deleted TaxSubTotal in TaxTotal
inserted TaxEvidenceIndicator
inserted TradingTerms
inserted TransactionConditions

General notes
- IssueDate should be IssueDateTime. 
- CopyIndicator should have cardinality 1
- GUID should have cardinality 1
- One of the currency codes used should have cardinality 1
- Definitions of ExchangeRates should be more precise. What two currencies does the ExchangeRate specify the conversion between?
- IssueDate and IssueTime definitions needs revisiting.
- DocumentStatusCode not consistently used. What is the business case for this element? Codelist should be specified if it is in and cardinality should be 1. Check that all documents has a DocumentStatusCode or does not.
- LineCountNumeric - Why do we need a line count? Is it the line count of the corresponding document beeing responded? We need a reference by ID and to one or more lines.
- Why do we need TransactionReference? Thats part of the enveloping!
- Inconsistency in the naming of references. Fx somtimes we use SalesOrderID as a reference and other times we use OrderReference.

IssueDate should be IssueDateTime
BillingDocumentReference - Is that not a InvoiceReference?
Are party types aligned?
Definition related to BillingDocumentReference and AdditionalDocumentReference not consistent.

IssueDate and IssueTime - why two elements? Why not IssueDateTime? 
Will TaxPointDate ever be different from IssueDate and why? What happens if TaxPointDate in not filled out?
CurrencyCode definitions are inconsistant. Why do we need this many currency codes?
Why do we need LineCountNumeric - this can be derived! What if it differs from the actual number of lines?
Why have you added AllowanceCharge to the header level?
Signature is problematic

Why do we need AccountingCostCode? Is this relevant information to the receiver or is it internal to the sender?
Why has Note been removed? Is it intentional? Note still remains in CreditNote.
DebitNote contains a TaxEvidenceIndicator - CreditNote does not? Why is this?
DebitNote does not contain AllowanceCharge at header-level. CreditNote does? Why is this and why do we need AllowanceCharge at header level of CreditNote?

Invoice does not contain a TaxEvidenceIndicator - I am not saying that we should have this element - but it should be consistent.
What is the business case behind TransactionReference?
Why do we need Contract as part of Invoice? We perhaps need a ContractReference!

Inconsistent DateTime
Definition of OrderDocumentReference needs update.
How do you specify the relationship between an OrderReference and an OrderDocumentReference?

OrderChange has no ID it has SellersId. The use of ID's between Order and OrderChange is inconsistent.
Why do we need AcknowledgementResponseCode? You cannot assume anything about the recievers capabilites to respond.
Codelist for AcknowledgementResponseCode should be specified and element should be obligatory if it stays in the message.
Why do you need TotalPackagesQuantity? What is the business case. Needs better definition.
Definition associated with ValidityPeriod needs to be updated.
You can associate an OrderChange with one or more Orders. Cardinality should be 1. One Order one orderChange.

Definition of SalesOrderId is inconsistent.
Why do we need TransactionReference on an OrderResponse?
We say ProposedTaxTotal but we do not say ExpectedGrossWeightMeasure. This is inconsistent.
OrderLine - Does the OrderResponse contain all the OrderLines from the orginal Order? What if it only contains a subset - how is that to be interpreted?

DocumentStatusCode has been deleted - inconsistency with other documents.

TaxTotal has been added - should AllowanceCharge also be added for consistency? Why specify TaxTotal at all?

I like the idea of changing the name of SelfBilledInvoice to RequestForInvoice with the same content. The result should then be an invoice that takes the content of the RequestForInvoice. An automatic match can be made between the two.
Why do we need a SatementDocumentReference?

I suggest taht we change tha name of SelfBilledCreditNote to RequestForCreditNote with the same content. The result should then be an CrediNote that takes the content of the RequestForCreditNote. An automatic match can be made between the two.

I do not like the idea of having AllowanceCharge at the header level of a Statement. Furthermore what is the value of TaxTotal if there is no StatementTotal?

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