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Subject: Minutes of Procurement SC 9th January 2006

Title: Minutes of Procurement SC 9th January 2006
Attendees:  Mark Leitch (Chair)
                  Sylvia Webb
                  Peter Larsen Borresen

  1. Group roster to be brought up to date - Action ML
  2. Minutes to be brought up to date – Action ML / PLB
  3. SW reported that the Tax XML group would provide an ‘Invoice Guideline’ document during the first half of February.
    1. this will be incorporated into the procurement guidelines
    2. this work will be discussed (and, hopefully, work on the latter started) at the meeting in New York
  4. ML requested that contact be made with US tax experts to review the work of the PSC from a tax angle – Action SW
  5. PLB reported that he had met with GEFEG and that David Cook is looking into a solution for defining basic UBL rules that are not contained in the spreadsheets.
    1. the example cited was that of Party identification, the case being that Party ID and Party Name are both optional; the rule to apply in this instance is that, if the Party ID is absent, a Party Name is mandatory.
    2. it is hoped that the solution will be ready in time for the New York meeting
  6. All agreed that the web-based issues list was a major step forward.  It is proposed that an agenda point at the New York meeting should address how this can developed further in anticipation of more widespread comments from the public.


  1. Roster – done ML 9/1/06
  2. PLB to send ML spreadsheet change notes for December 2005  
  3. SW to send ML relevant contact details for US tax authorities

Regards, Mark

Mark Leitch

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