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Subject: Change proposals as per EC comments to PRD03

Dear ubl-psc

Here is a list of the proposed changes in the Tender and TendererQualification schemas based on the input provided by the EC.
If there are definitions or other issues regarding this proposal, please feel free to comment on them. 

@Peter, I think we should setup a conference call to formally discuss these changes.

Best regards

In the UBL-Tender.xsd
1) Create a new Tender/cac:TenderedProject/cac:EvidenceDocumentReference

Type DocumentReferenceType 
Cardinality 0..n.  
Description: A reference to a non structured evidentiary document supporting this tendered project.

2) Create a new  Tender/cac:TenderedProject/cbc:TenderEnvelopeID

Type Identifier
Cardinality 0..1
Description: An identifier for the tender envelope this tendered project belongs to.

Create a new Tender/cac:TenderedProject/cbc:TenderEnvelopeTypeCode 

Type Code
Cardinality 0..1
Description: A code signifying the type of tender envelope this tendered project belongs to.

3) Create a new Tender/cac:TendererQualificationDocumentReference 

Type DocumentReference
Cardinality 0..1 
Description: A reference to the tenderer qualification document that has been used to qualify the tenderer.

In the UBL-TendererQualification.xsd 
4) Change cardinality of TendererQualification/cac:CompletedTasks/cac:EvidenceSupplied to 0..n

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