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Subject: Shipment and Consignment for Danish Requirement

As requested I have gone through the Consignment and Shipment against 
the Danish requirements model. Please find the resulting spreadsheet 

I have tried to colour code the rows to help:
Red background are things I dont really understand or am unsure about.
Green background are proposed new BIEs

If I get time before Thursday I will try and draw up the class diagram 
for this.

This is getting close to the TBG2-TBG3 model. Except I have one question 
for Henk or Dominique. The CCL ABIE for Shipment seems to have been 
dissolved into things like Trade. Details. is that correct?

Kama, Kamarudin Bin Tambi wrote:
> Hi all,
> Pls find below the MOM for the last concall.
> MINUTES of UBL-TSC Meeting
> 1900 – 2000 SGT, Thursday, 28 June 2007
> Attendance:
> Kama, Tim, Andrew Schoka, Flemming
> Item Discussed
> 1. Review of proposed Transport Equipment data model
> - It was mentioned that the Transport Event is related more to the 
> movement of goods than for transport equipment. It doesn’t provide the 
> level of details like the date & time. Transport Event however does 
> provide the occurrence date and time.
> - Loading Remarks (row 311) will have a similar BIE like Damage Remarks
> - The meeting would like to have more detailed information on haulage 
> arrangement code
> - There are quite a number of ‘Instruction’. UBL 2.0 currently does 
> not have such ABIE. It was agreed that we should have a similar 
> Instruction ABIE
> - It was agreed that the Supplier Party Role and Provider Type code 
> actually refers to the same thing
> - The proposed UBL equivalent of Humidity Volume Per Hour and Air Flow 
> Volume will be amended similar to the original DEN, with the qualifier 
> to be included
> - The meeting agreed to look at the Shipment and Consignment components
> 2. UBL 2.1
> - It is noted that the changes/enhancements required by the Danish 
> transport group are not specific. The requirements are worthy 
> extension to UBL 2.1
> - In terms of process, we will need to reflect the proposed changes to 
> the Issues List
> - We will need to apply the changes to the base UBL 2.0
> - TSC needs to propose the recommended changes by including it in the 
> Issues List
> - Tim updated that the Issues List needs to be finalized at the next 
> UBL TC meeting in September
> - Kama commented that 3-months may not be sufficient to finish the 
> proposed changes
> - The meeting agreed that we will review it again after the Shipment 
> and Consignment components have been reviewed
> 3. AOB
> - Andy reported that he will be attending the Oslo meeting this week
> Follow-up
> - Flemming to update the Excel file and send to all
> - Tim will do an initial review of the Consignment/Shipment components
> Rgds
> Kamarudin Bin Tambi
> UBL TSC Chair
> DID: 65 – 6887 7516
> Fax: 65 – 6778 5277
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tim mcgrath
phone: +618 93352228  
postal: po box 1289   fremantle    western australia 6160
web: http://www.portcomm.com.au/tmcgrath


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