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Subject: Re: Meeting about PRD2

Hi Peter

From the options in the Doodle, the one today is the only one I can make. I would be able to meet Monday one or two hours earlier than the proposed option.

I won’t be back in Denmark until the end of this month.

Best regards,


From: Peter Borresen | Chief Architect <plb@clearviewtrade.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 9, 2020 4:55:56 PM
To: UBL Transportation Subcommittee <ubl-tsc@lists.oasis-open.org>; Kenneth Bengtsson <kbengtsson@efact.pe>
Subject: Meeting about PRD2

Dear all


We need a new meeting in order to solve the pending issues at PRD2. Please provide your vote for at time at




@Kenneth Bengtsson: Could it be an idea, if we meet physically at the meeting?


Best wishes,

Peter L. Borresen

Head of IT Development



Mobile: +45 42 50 23 90

E-mail: plb@clearviewtrade.com


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