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Subject: VS: SV: Mapping from UNCEFACT model to UBL

Dear all


Here is some material for the meeting later today. Please see the responses below from the discrepancies found.


Best regards




Fra: Douglas Hill <dsh@trakology.com>
Sendt: 18. maj 2021 07:46
Til: Peter Borresen <plb@clearviewtrade.com>
Cc: Thierry Grumiaux (GS1) <Thierry.Grumiaux@gs1fr.org>
Emne: Re: SV: Mapping from UNCEFACT model to UBL


Hi guys,


here are my thoughts



Dear Thierry and Douglas


Hannu and I have done a mapping between the eCMR and found some thing that currently cannot be contained in UBL


  1. We could not find a mapping to the Consignment ID. This is mandatory in UBL. Did we overlook something >>>>> we ethought this would be a good position for the consignmnet ID

So we should map it to   eCmrHeader/AdditionalParticularNote/SubjectText??

No, I would map this to the eCMR ID in conjunction with the document type code 730




  1. In UBL minimum and maximum temperatures only exist for transport handling units or transport equipment. Is there a real requirement for temperature on consignment level?>>>>Thierry said that there is a need to have a range for various levels on a consignment

So the consignment it self should have a minimum temperature and maximum temperature just like we today have grossweight and netweight?



Thierry, pls chip in if you like but I think there can be several levels of temperature, wagon, consignment individual item level so not one "Truth" 100-220 deg

    1. There are two minimal temperatures, we have mapped to Transporthandling unit minimum temperature:

                                                               i.      228 Minimum Value / BSP Master. Details/BSP Master. Specified. Supply Chain_ Consignment/Supply Chain_ Consignment. Handling. Handling_ Instructions/Handling_ Instructions. Applicable. Transport Setting_ Temperature/Transport Setting_ Temperature. Minimum_ Value. Measure

                                                             ii.      309 Minimum Value / BSP Master. Details/BSP Master. Specified. Supply Chain_ Consignment/Supply Chain_ Consignment. Included. Supply Chain_ Consignment Item/Supply Chain_ Consignment Item. Handling. Handling_ Instructions/Handling_ Instructions. Applicable. Transport Setting_ Temperature/Transport Setting_ Temperature. Minimum_ Value. Measure

    1. There are two maximum temperature, we have mapped to Transport Handling Unit Maximum temperature:

                                                               i.      229 Maximum Value / BSP Master. Details/BSP Master. Specified. Supply Chain_ Consignment/Supply Chain_ Consignment. Handling. Handling_ Instructions/Handling_ Instructions. Applicable. Transport Setting_ Temperature/Transport Setting_ Temperature. Maximum_ Value. Measure

                                                             ii.      310 Maximum Value / BSP Master. Details/BSP Master. Specified. Supply Chain_ Consignment/Supply Chain_ Consignment. Included. Supply Chain_ Consignment Item/Supply Chain_ Consignment Item. Handling. Handling_ Instructions/Handling_ Instructions. Applicable. Transport Setting_ Temperature/Transport Setting_ Temperature. Maximum_ Value. Measure

    1. We have mapped one Minimum temperature to Transport Hanlding Equipment to  406 Minimum Value / BSP Master. Details/BSP Master. Specified. Supply Chain_ Consignment/Supply Chain_ Consignment. Utilized. Logistics_ Transport Equipment/Logistics_ Transport Equipment. Setting. Transport Setting_ Temperature/Transport Setting_ Temperature. Minimum_ Value. Measure
    2. We have mapped one maximum temperature to Transport Handling Unit Equipment: 407 Maximum Value / BSP Master. Details/BSP Master. Specified. Supply Chain_ Consignment/Supply Chain_ Consignment. Utilized. Logistics_ Transport Equipment/Logistics_ Transport Equipment. Setting. Transport Setting_ Temperature/Transport Setting_ Temperature. Maximum_ Value. Measure
  1. In UN/CEFACT there are notes with subject code and context text. This is not present in UBL. What are the requirements and usage making unstructured information structured? How is for instance BSP Master. Details/BSP Master. Specified. Supply Chain_ Consignment/Supply Chain_ Consignment. Included. Supply Chain_ Consignment Item/Supply Chain_ Consignment Item. Applicable. Note/Note. Subject. Code used



Are you saying that UBL does not have free text????

Certainly, but not with a subject code, free text in UBL is free text.

Subject code is optional, leave it out if there are no corresponding codes in UBL, or, add them to UBL going fwd


  1. In UN/CEFACT there is a ABIE called Telephone with complete number etc, where UBL just has this as a string. Do you foresee this as a problem? Is there a need for both having a mobile phone and a telephone?


I don’t see this as a problem – only with verification of the field i.e. does it conform to a pattern



  1. IN UN/CEFACT Carrier Party has no Country identification code, while other parties had it. Is this a mistake, or is there a purpose with this?>>>>here?



 So I guess that Carrier Party should have a Country code just like the others, and that it was an error in the spreadsheet?


It does have a country code 

  1. In UBL we have no ABIE for Nature Code, only a ABIE for commodity code. Is there a semantic problem here?


Nature and commodity could be seen as synonyms – coded info need to be compared




  1. In UN/CEFACT Shipping marks exists as a ABIE, while it in UBL only exists as BBIE. This contains for instance a Barcode Label. Can you explain the usage for this ABIE, so we can find an appropriate mapping.


I wouldn’t think this impacts the solution and that you can map the UN Barcode element to the UBL BBIE - I assume the UBL BBIE is 0..n

Would assume shipping marks = SSCC for exampl

and the barcode label is the 18 digit SSCC number

could also have another Shipment mark label associated





  1. In UN/CEFACT there is a seal indication. Will it be ok to replace this with logic about whether there exist a seal or not?



No, you need to have the seal UID to check integrity on arrival


 Yes, we have that but no seal indicator.

 OK you willl need that


  1. In UN/CEFACT there is a Consignor Provided Border Clearance Instructions. We have not found a mapping in UBL for this.



This really should be added to UBL


 Ok, we will add it to UBL, and find a proper solution in the meanwhile ok


  1. In UN/ CEFACT there is a Delivery Instruction Descriptions Code. What is code list for this? In UBL there only exist a text for Delivery instructions. Not a code.>>>>here are UN codes in the model










Best wishes,

Peter L. Borresen

Head of Technology


Mobile: +45 42 50 23 90

E-mail: plb@clearviewtrade.com


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ClearView Trade, Diplomvej 371, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark 






Attachment: UBL2.3 Subset Waybill full_consolidated.xml
Description: UBL2.3 Subset Waybill full_consolidated.xml

Attachment: 2021 04 23 Copie de MMT Transport Subsets Matrix (1).xlsx
Description: 2021 04 23 Copie de MMT Transport Subsets Matrix (1).xlsx

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