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Subject: Re: [ubl] Re: Packaging team call

On Fri, 12 Mar 2004 jon.bosak@sun.com wrote:

> [anne.hendry@sun.com:]
> | a) and b) were discussed in the coordination call and I'm sure Jon
> | will send out a recap shortly.
> Present on the call were Jon Bosak, Stephen Green, Anne Hendry,
> Bill Meadows, and Lisa Seaburg.
> Discussion:
>  - It appears that under the current CL proposal, an extension to
>    a code list will result in a change (or addition) to the
>    namespaces referenced in the instance.  This is good.  But
>    we're not sure whether it will also require a change (or
>    addition) to the namespaces referenced in the schemas.
>  - Several of us feel uneasy about ad hoc schema extensions.  Yes,
>    they are handy, but so is ANY.
>  - We suspect that there may be parsers in current use that do not
>    support substitution groups.
>  - We note that there is still a lot of controversy about
>    substitution groups among XML experts (a google search will
>    quickly confirm this).
>  - We have not yet been able to establish whether this approach
>    can be mirrored in other constraint languages such as RNG and
>    ASN.1.

The mapping from XSD to ASN.1 can handle substitution groups.


>  - We would like to know whether there is an agreeable alternative
>    for 1.0 that would not require us to adopt substitution groups
>    and abstract elements until we have a better understanding of
>    the implications.
> Outcomes:
>  - Stephen will attempt to explain an alternative that does not
>    use substitution groups and abstract elements.
>  - Jon will suggest that we use the Tuesday and Wednesday SC slots
>    for joint meetings next week in order to achieve consensus on
>    these and other issues, in particular what goes into the SDT.
>  - Lisa will ask Marty to create sample schemas using the proposed
>    code list mechanism so that we have something concrete to look
>    at and can confirm that everything parses.
> Jon
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