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Subject: Minutes of Pacific UBL TC call 12|13 June 2006

00:30 - 02:30 UTC TUESDAY 13 JUNE 2006


   Jon Bosak (chair)
   G. Ken Holman
   Tim McGrath
   Kumar Sivaraman
   Sylvia Webb


   Additions to the calendar:

      SW: Will be attending the TBG17 meeting in Stockholm same
      week as the UBL TC meeting in Montreal.

   Liaison report: Tax XML TC

      SW: Held a very productive meeting in Madrid and have
      scheduled a conference call next week to begin work on best
      practices for UBL Invoice.  Question: deadline?

      JB: This actually applies to the UBL 2.0 Support Package in

      AGREED to set the end of August as the deadline for all
      initial drafts of the Support Package materials and to plan
      on 1-2 TC review cycles (chiefly by the content experts)
      before publication in mid-October (coincident with the
      scheduled announcement of UBL 2.0 as an OASIS Standard).

      GKH: Given the current lack of resources, the HISC specs may
      not be able to meet this deadline; but the S.P. is a living
      document, so we'll add those in later.

   Liaison report: UN/CEFACT

      JB/TM: Announcement of our liaison appointments to the
      UN/UBL collaboration goes out Wednesday.

   Liaison report: X12

      KS/SW: Harmonization seemed to be the unofficial theme of
      the meeting.  Dick Raman of CEFACT was the keynote speaker
      at the general session; he spoke of the needs for
      interoperability and corporate funding and mentioned UBL
      coming into UN/CEFACT.  Michael Dill spoke on European
      standards.  X12 and CEFACT appear to be trying to work
      together more closely; an MoU on alignment and joint
      development is being readied for presentation to the
      UN/CEFACT FMG at its next interim meeting.

   Team report: Code Lists

      This item expanded into a general discussion of near-term
      workflow and the organization of the next UBL 2.0 release
      package.  See "Near-term work schedule" below.  A somewhat
      chaotic discussion of QDT/UDT and the NDRs produced the
      following action items.

         ACTION: NDR editors to look at the syntax of the QDT for
         ChannelCode and tell TM whether this is a legal


         ACTION: PB to include the QDT spreadsheet in the WD3

      In addition, it appears that we have NDR language left over
      from UBL 1.0 relating to code list schemas that no longer
      should be included (for example, a requirement to create
      code list schemas).  We will need to schedule an Atlantic
      call discussion to talk about this in detail.

   Subcommittee report: PSC

      SW: PSC has not met in the last two weeks, and it's in the
      critical path for corrections to the spreadsheets.

      ACTION: TM and SW to hold a PSC meeting Thursday or Friday.

   Subcommittee report: TSC

      TM: The TSC is not in the critical path for the normative
      package.  It is meeting tomorrow to create sample instances.

   Review of Atlantic call

      No comments.


   AGREED on the following work plan for the coming week:

    - GKH sends code list methodology 0.5, including genericode
      0.4, to TM

    - TM prepares genericode versions of all the code lists and
      sends to GKH

    - GKH compiles defaultcodelist.xsl and sends to JB

    - JB creates an out-of-the-box validation environment for XP
      and linux using defaultCodeList.xsl

    - TM finishes up UML models, sends to JB

    - JB writes up an informative annex on UBL 2 two-phase
      validation, noting that users will be able to generate a
      separate set of schemas with enumerations that can be used
      to provide the same static functionality using just
      single-pass W3C schema validation and summarizing the
      additional features that will be available in the Support

    - JB puts together a trial UBL 2.0 release package for testing
      in GKH's class the week of 26 June

   AGREED that we need to include the genericode files in UBL 2.0
   so that people can see the default code list values.  It
   doesn't matter which version of genericode is used for these
   files, but it must be made clear that the genericode spec is a
   work in progress.

   TM: We should consider using some of the (old) UBL FAQ in the

   AGREED on the following directory structure for UBL 2.0:

      art             Artwork
      asn             ASN.1 schema
      codelist        Code list files
         gc              Genericode files
         xsdcl           Enum versions of the gc files
      doc             Related documents
         etc             Credits
         ndr             NDR checklist
      index.html      The text proper
      mod             The spreadsheets
      oob             Out-of-the-box two-phase validation support
                         for XP and linux
      uml             UML models
         concept         [Not clear whether these two
         implem          subdirectories are still needed]
      xml             Sample instances
      xsd             W3C schemas (standard)
      xsdrt           Same as xsd with the annotations stripped out
      xsl             XSLT transforms


   JB: IDEAlliance is still checking to see whether meeting rooms
   are available.


   ACTION: TM to assume responsibility for generating the
   genericode representations of the UBL 2.0 code lists.

      Has done so.

   ACTION: GKH to raise a question about namespace URIs on the ubl
   mail list.


   ACTION: TM to talk to PB about putting the change log into a
   form that will help indicate the differences between this
   review package and the last one.


   ACTION: JB to send an inquiry to PSC regarding a missed comment.


   ACTION: TM to mail comment submitters with disposition of

Jon Bosak

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