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Subject: Minutes of UBL TC meeting 17 August 2006 (2)


Members attending the Montréal meeting in person:

   Jon Bosak (chair)
   Mikkel Brun
   Mavis Cournane
   Michael Grimley
   G. Ken Holman
   Andy Schoka
   Paul Thorpe

Members attending by phone:

   Kumar Sivaraman

   The phone line was open starting around 15:00.

Closing plenary summary of accomplishments this meeting:

 - Reviewed the normative schedule

 - Reviewed the support package structure and schedule

 - Reviewed the proposed customization methodology and agreed to
   begin moving it forward as an eventual CS

 - Reviewed our strategy for schema and document versioning and
   settled an important issue regarding version IDs

 - Reviewed the PRD2 comments and issues and made recommendations
   on each

 - Decided to begin the process of IPR transition to "RF on
   limited terms"

 - Mapped out a schedule for the NDR document and got a lot of
   work done on document revision

 - Decided to recommend a third public review cycle so that we can
   fix a couple of important problems and also include a number of
   other desired fixes

UBL TC F2F meeting schedule for 2007

   5-9 March 2007 on the U.S. east coast, preferably in the
   Washington (D.C.) area

   28 May - 1 June 2007 in Ithaca, New York, with Manhattan as a
   fallback if appropriate accommodations cannot be found in

   13-17 August 2007 in Montréal (the week after the Extreme
   Programming conference)

   12-16 November 2007 in Asia-Pacific, possibly in Fremantle

AGREED to request OASIS to transition the UBL TC to RF on Limited
Terms.  (This supersedes the decision made Monday to hold a
separate vote, the group now being quorate.)

AGREED to thank IDEAlliance for sponsoring our meeting.
We also reviewed and reaffirmed all the major decisions taken
during the meeting this week as previously minuted.

Jon Bosak

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