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Subject: Agenda for Pacific UBL TC call 5|6 May 2008
Western hemisphere participants: Note that this meeting takes place Monday evening in your time zones. AGENDA FOR PACIFIC UBL TC MEETING 00:30 - 02:30 UTC TUESDAY 6 MAY 2008 http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=5&day=6&year=2008&hour=0&min=30&sec=0 ############################################# STANDING INFORMATION FOR UBL CONFERENCE CALLS U.S. domestic toll-free number: (866)839-8145 Int. access/caller paid number: (215)446-3660 Access code: 5705229 ############################################# PHONE CONTROLS: *6 to mute, *7 to unmute STANDING ITEMS Additions to the calendar: http://ubl.xml.org/events Liaison reports Subcommittee report: PSC Review of Atlantic call ADOPTION SC / UBL FOCUS AREA ACTION (4/29): JB to create an account and move the calendar over to ubl.xml.org. Done. When do we close down the Support Page? UPDATE PACKAGE STATUS REPORT AND SCHEDULING Initial public review ends 8 May. ACTION (1/8): JB to revise the work schedule spreadsheet. Pending, UBL 2.1 ISSUES LIST ACTION (12/18): TM to populate the new issues list with all currently known UBL 2.1 issues. Pending. CODE LIST IPR Discussion of Incoterms and related subjects. 2008 TC MEETING SCHEDULE 4-8 August 2008 in Montréal Confirmed. Hotel Europa, rue Drummond (the week prior to the Balisage conference in the same location). Time to book hotel rooms! 5-9 January 2009 in Fremantle Date set (tentatively); other arrangements TBD. TC CONCALL SCHEDULE Regular schedule. OTHER BUSINESS Jon Bosak Chair, OASIS UBL TC
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