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Subject: Minutes of Atlantic UBL TC call 06 April 2016 14:00UTC

Minutes of Atlantic UBL TC call 06 April 2016 14:00UTC


Atlantic teleconference:

  Oriol Bausa
  Kenneth Bengtsson
  G. Ken Holman (convener)
  Ole Madsen
  Andy Schoka

Pacific teleconference attendance:

  G. Ken Holman (convener)
  Tim McGrath


    - the following should be used as a specific citation:
      OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) v2.1 (ISO/IEC 19845:2015)
    - the following would be used for a general (any version) citation:
      OASIS UBL (ISO/IEC 19845)
    - the canonical documents are available in the OASIS repository:
    - the ISO/IEC catalogue entry is found at:
    - the ISO/IEC document and attachments are found at:


   Additions to events calendar: http://ubl.xml.org/events
    - no new events to add at this time

   Review of Pacific call minutes

   Review of Atlantic call minutes

  Membership status review

    - voting status is determined by the following:
      - existing voting members must not miss two consecutive meetings to
        maintain voting status
      - non-voting members must attend two consecutive meetings to obtain
        voting status
      - members formally on leave by prior request must not attend and
        their voting status is not impacted
   - committee officers (alphabetical):
      - Jon Bosak (secretary)
      - G. Ken Holman (co-chair)
      - Tim McGrath (co-chair)
    - current UBL TC voting member list (alphabetical) and relationships:
      - Oriol Bausa
        - Member OASIS BDXR
      - Kenneth Bengtsson
        - Chair OASIS BDXR, Member OASIS ebXML
      - Kees Duvekot
        - Member OASIS BDXR
      - G. Ken Holman
        - Member OASIS BDXR, CA Member JTC 1/SC32, CA Member UN/CEFACT
      - Ole Madsen
        - DK Member CEN/TC440, DK Liaison JTC 1/SC 32
      - Tim McGrath
        - EESPA Observer CEN/TC434, AU Member UN/CEFACT
      - Andy Schoka
        - Member ISO/TC204, US Member JTC 1/SC 32
    - members approaching gaining voting status:
      - Kees Duvekot

UBL 2.2

 - at the 2016-01-27 meeting it was agreed the new deadline for finalized
   content submissions for UBL 2.2 consideration is May 31, 2016
   - note that when we meet this new deadline, the first publicly-visible
     test schemas for 2.2 will be ready sometime in June 2016
 - Andy monitoring requirements for transportation documents
 - Kees monitoring requirements for post-award documents
 - Ole monitoring requirements for pre-award documents
   - Oriol preparing some work for review soon
 - please review the JIRA tickets for any ideas regarding missing bits

Naming and Design Rules

 - public reviews are in progress


JIRA tickets
<https://issues.oasis-open.org/issues/?filter=11670>https://issues.oasis-open.org/issues/?filter=11670 (note that the view can
   be changed using the box icon at top right; the list view provides the most
   summary information, without the detail view obscuring the screen space)
   - when creating tickets, remember to distinguish the following components
     by how they are described to be used as categories:

UBL TC next steps

  - what promotional issues need to be addressed?
  - do we need a travelling road show along the lines of UBL International?
  - can anyone volunteer to create more short video segments to be shared?

Collaboration opportunities

  - the TC requests members to confirm any collaboration with other
    standards development organizations
    - e.g. who on our committee is in CEN PC 434 and CEN PC 440?
    - Ken has started receiving emails off-list with this information
    - minutes updated above to reflect member membership in other committees
  - Tim is asked to report to the TC with a history of the relationship with
    - Tim has posted a first draft of his report:
    - a revision from Tim is underway


 Next meetings:

  2016-04-13 Pacific 01:00UTC/21:00EDT, Atlantic 14:00UTC/16:00CEST/10:00EDT
  2016-04-20 Pacific 01:00UTC/21:00EDT, Atlantic 14:00UTC/16:00CEST/10:00EDT
  2016-04-27 Pacific 01:00UTC/21:00EDT, Atlantic 14:00UTC/16:00CEST/10:00EDT

 Will anyone be requesting a leave of absence in the near future?  For
 privacy reasons, this discussion will be kept off of the minutes.

 TC calendar:

 TC calendar iCal subscription link:


 - none

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Crane Softwrights Ltd. _ _ _ _ _ _ http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/o/ |
G Ken Holman _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com |
Google+ blog _ _ _ _ _ http://plus.google.com/+GKenHolman-Crane/posts |
Legal business disclaimers: _ _ http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/legal |

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