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Subject: UBL-2.2-csd01wd13-20161211-0340z.zip is ready to be downloaded

Fellow UBL TC members,

The package UBL-2.2-csd01wd13-20161211-0340z.zip is ready to be downloaded:


Incorporated in this working draft release are the following tickets:

UBL-55 Pre-award issues for the hub document and document type names

UBL-52 Example XML instances must be created by all members

UBL-51 Party role documentation must be completed by all members

UBL-34 Hub document change tracking

These tickets are now "RESOLVED+Fixed" and must not be opened again. If you have any problems with how the above tickets have been addressed, please create (and remember to open!) a new ticket.


There are no remaining tickets (huzzah!). Let's talk at our next meeting about using this as our first public review, then vote on it the following week. Please take time to review it as much as you can before Wednesday. If you find any faults, generate a ticket and I may be able to make some changes before the meeting.

Thanks for all your efforts!

. . . . . . . Ken

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