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Subject: RE: [uddi-promo-discuss] Promotion of UDDI

Greetings, Paul. I agree there is a lot of interrelationship across the topics. Internal usage is an important scenario, as it's hard for us to guage the scope of that usage. Thus UDDI is not getting as much credit as it deserves for actual usage. We do know of many users who are infact deploying behind the firewall for reuse and application integration. Another usage is "private B2B", where the partners are trusted.

Regards, George

Chair, OASIS UDDI Member Section Steering Committee
Managing Director, UDDI Operators Council
Web Services Strategy, IBM Software Group
1-408-463-4041 or 543-4041, FAX 3319

From: Paul M O'pella on 02/13/2004 05:53 AM

To: George Zagelow/Santa Teresa/IBM@IBMUS, uddi-promo-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [uddi-promo-discuss] Promotion of UDDI George Zagelow

I haven't seen any either, but thanks for the reminder to reply. If possible, I would like to see us try to cover the first three of George's suggestions at least initially, perhaps focusing on one or two depending on our success and the response:

I believe publishing useful information about any or all of these three will automatically accomplish
*  UDDI promotion / evangelism

I think George's last item will be so much a part of these three as to preclude the need for it's being explicit
*  Usage of UDDI as a component of Web Services

I would add

* Usage of UDDI Internal Registries to facilitate reuse

Regards, Paul

"There is more to life than increasing its speed." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Paul M. O'Pella
IBM Certified Consulting I/T Architect
Global Services / EAI
Certified MQSeries Specialist / Solutions Expert, MQSI Specialist, CrossWorlds Solutions Expert:, e-business Solutions Technologist
Inactive hide details for <dave.prout@bt.com><dave.prout@bt.com>


          02/13/2004 05:48 AM


George Zagelow/Santa Teresa/IBM@IBMUS, <uddi-promo-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org>



RE: [uddi-promo-discuss] Promotion of UDDI

I haven't seen any other messages since George's. Have I missed any ?

Dave Prout
Web Services Integration

Technical Architecture


+44 1442 296778

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