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Subject: virtio-snd: Adding support for audio controls

Hello everyone,

The virtio sound device lacks audio controls, which are a needed
feature. Audio controls can be used to set the volume level, mute/unmute
the audio signal, switch different modes/states of the virtual sound
device, etc. At the same time, it would be desirable also to be able to
para-virtualize ALSA controls on top of the device. As they are feature
rich, flexible and allow many useful scenarios to be implemented in
a Linux-based virtual guests (and potentially in guests without ALSA).

This email contains just a description of possible extension to the spec
and a rough idea of how this could work and have been implemented. Any
comments and suggestions are very welcome!

The same ALSA control design can be used as a basis. It allow us to
implement the necessary logic for volume control, muting, etc for both
Linux-based systems and systems where there is no ALSA (for example,
Windows). For this reason, all structure declarations are derived from
ALSA structures, and most constants are just ALSA constants (if
everything goes well, we'll just rename everything and assign numbers).

It's necessary to add a new feature bit, and extend the device
configuration space with a field containing the number of provided

struct virtio_snd_config {
    /* # of available audio controls */
    le32 controls;

After that, the driver will be able to send a request to obtain
information about each of the available controls:

struct virtio_snd_ctl_info {
    struct virtio_snd_info hdr;
    le32 iface;         /* interface (SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_XXX) */
    le32 type;          /* value type (SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_TYPE_XXX) */
    le32 access;    /* access rights (1 << SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_ACCESS_XXX) */
    le32 count;         /* count of same elements */
    le32 subdevice;     /* subdevice (substream) number */
    le32 index;         /* index of element */
    u8 name[44];        /* ASCII name of element (0-terminated) */
    union {
        struct {
            le32 min;   /* minimum value */
            le32 max;   /* maximum value */
            le32 step;  /* step (0 variable) */
        } integer;
        struct {
            le64 min;   /* minimum value */
            le64 max;   /* maximum value */
            le64 step;  /* step (0 variable) */
        } integer64;
        struct {
            le32 items; /* number of items */
        } enumerated;
    } value;

ALSA control is assigned to a specific interface (kind of a "scope"),
and the `iface` field contains the interface identifier for this
specific control. Of all the existing interface types, the virtual sound
device can support the following:

  Global controls that are not logically part of the mixer.
  Virtual mixer controls. Most of the controls (volume controls, mute
  switches, etc.) belong to this interface.
  Controls that are bound to a specific PCM devices.

The `type` field contains the value type for this specific control.
Controls can have the following value types:

  This is a special case of the INTEGER type, which can take only two
  values: off (0) and on (1). Basically, it is the value type for the
  switch control.
  32-bit integer values.
  64-bit integer values.
  The values are represented by an array of ASCII strings.
  The value of the control is an array of (up to 512) bytes.
  This control is connected to the digital audio interface. The value is
  in the form of:

    struct snd_aes_iec958 {
        u8 status[24];      /* AES/IEC958 channel status bits */
        u8 subcode[147];    /* AES/IEC958 subcode bits */
        u8 pad;             /* nothing */
        u8 dig_subframe[4]; /* AES/IEC958 subframe bits */

The `access` field contains a bit mask describing access rights to the

  The driver can read the value of the control.
  The driver can write (change) the value of the control.
  Control value may be changed without a notification. (Applications
  should poll such a control constantly.)
  Control does actually nothing, but may be updated. (For example, the
  control can be used for some specific auxiliary functions.)

If the control supports metadata (more on this below), then the
following access rights may also be present:

  The driver can read metadata in TLV format.
  The driver can write (change) metadata in TLV format.
  The driver can execute a command for metadata expressed in TLV format.

The `count` field contains amount of the same elements (up to 64 for
INTEGER64, and up to 128 for BOOLEAN, INTEGER and ENUMERATED types).
That is, if this value is >1, then the control has a kind of
"subcontrols". For example, for volume control this value may be equal
to the number of channels supported. And this allows to change the
volume of each channel separately.

If the control is bound to the PCM device (iface=PCM), then it also
can be bound to a particular PCM substream (if this PCM device has more
than one substream). In this case, the `subdevice` field contains
the ID of the virtio PCM stream. Also, in this case it is necessary to
know the ID of the PCM device itself. This information can be derived
from the ID of the function group to which the control belongs. If for
a given control iface=PCM, but it is not bound to a specific substream,
we can put -1 here.

The `name` field contains the name identifier string (up to 44 bytes
including the terminating 0). ALSA classifies the role of a control by
its name. This can be problematic for systems without ALSA. On the other
hand, such systems usually require only standard volume controls, mute
switches, and the like. So as a possible solution to the problem, we
could explicitly write in the specification that for these purposes the
driver should look for controls with the following fields:

Playback volume control (search in the specified order):
iface=MIXER,name="Master Playback Volume"|"Playback Volume"

Playback mute switch (search in the specified order):
iface=MIXER,name="Master Playback Switch"|"Playback Switch"

Capture volume control (search in the specified order):
iface=MIXER,name="Master Capture Volume"|"Capture Volume"

Capture mute switch (search in the specified order):
iface=MIXER,name="Master Capture Switch"|"Capture Switch"

Mic boost
iface=MIXER,name="Mic Boost Volume"|"Mic Boost"

(Maybe some some other typical roles...)

...and just ignore all other controls. It also gives instructions to the
device which names to choose for controls for a given role. And of
course, it is always possible for the driver to parse the names of
controls on its own in accordance with the ALSA rules (if really

Since control's role is classified from its name, the name must be
unique for that particular sound device. If it's really required to
provide several controls with the same name, then they can be
distinguished by the `index` field value.

And finally the `values` field contains additional information about the
value for certain types of controls:

type=INTEGER -> value.integer:
type=INTEGER64 -> value.integer64:
        Contains minimum control value.
        Contains maximum control value.
        Contains a fixed step size for changing the control value between
        minimum and maximum values. The special value 0 means that the
        step has variable size.

type=ENUMERATED -> value.enumerated:
        Contains the number of items from which the control value can be
        selected (more on this below).

Everything described above relates to the initialization of controls in
the driver. To manipulate controls, we need to define a control request
header, additional control request and event types.

enum {

struct virtio_snd_ctl_hdr {
    struct virtio_snd_hdr hdr;
    /* 0 ... virtio_snd_config::controls - 1 */
    le16 control_id;
    /* 0 ... virtio_snd_ctl_info::count - 1 */
    le16 subcontrol_id;

    Get virtio_snd_ctl_info for the control with the specified ID.

    Controls with enumeration type are intended for user-friendly
    configuration of some device feature. The values themselves are
    ASCII strings, each up to 64 bytes (including the terminating 0).

      name="Auto-Mute Mode"
      items=[ "Disabled", "Enabled" ]

    Since the array with the enumeration values has a variable length,
    we cannot add it to the control information structure. But since we
    know the number of values, each of which has a fixed maximum size,
    we can get them in one go.

    A request part of message consists of virtio_snd_ctl_hdr, and
    a response part consists of virtio_snd_hdr followed by
    virtio_snd_ctl_info::value.items of the following structures:

    struct virtio_snd_ctl_enum_value {
        u8 name[64];

    The following structure is used to represent the value of the control
    for read and write operations:

    struct virtio_snd_ctl_value {
        union {
            le32 integer[128];              /* type=BOOLEAN|INTEGER */
            le64 integer64[64];             /* type=INTEGER64 */
            le32 enumerated[128];           /* type=ENUMERATED */
            u8 bytes[512];                  /* type=BYTES */
            struct snd_aes_iec958 iec958;   /* type=IEC958 */
        } value;

    Since the control has the `count` field, the value of which can be >1,
    the arrays for the BOOLEAN, INTEGER[64] and ENUMERATED types contain
    `count` values (one for each "subcontrol"). For ENUMERATED type,
    this value is the index of the selected item.

    A request part of the READ message consists of virtio_snd_ctl_hdr,
    and a response part consists of virtio_snd_hdr followed by

    A request part of the WRITE message consists of virtio_snd_ctl_hdr
    followed by virtio_snd_ctl_value, and a response part consists of

    It remains an open question whether to use the le{32,64} types and
    do endianess conversions, or just use the u{32,64} types.

    If the control supports metadata, the driver can use these requests
    for metadata. Metadata can be used to provide additional (arbitrary)
    information about the control, presented in the form of TLV.

    For example, for volume or mic boost controls, ALSA can also provide
    information about the dB values. This information can be obtained
    and used also in systems without ALSA.

    Data are presented in TLV (Type-Length-Value) format:

        struct virtio_snd_ctl_tlv {
            le32 type;      /* SNDRV_CTL_TLVT_XXX */
            le32 length;    /* value length in bytes aligned to 4 */
            le32 value[];

    The `type` field contains value type. ALSA defines several standard

            A container that contains a set of nested virtio_snd_ctl_tlv
            structures in the `value` field.
            The `value` field contains information about a mixer control
            where each step in the control's value changes the dB value
            by a constant dB amount.
            The `value` field contains information about a mixer control
            where the control's value affects the output linearly.
            A container that contains a set of nested dB ranges in the
            `value` field.
            The `value` field contains information about a mixer control
            where dB scale specified with min/max values instead of
            The `value` field contains information about a mixer control
            where dB scale specified with min/max values with mute
            instead of step.

    Since this information is useful, we can add descriptions of the
    `value` field layout for each of these types to support non-ALSA
    systems. ALSA also defines several more types. But since they are
    not suitable for the case of para-virtualization, we do not
    mention them here.

    Also, the device implementation can define its own custom value
    types that can be retrieved and parsed by the application on the
    guest side. I think we need to define some kind of base ID for such
    types so as not to clash with ALSA (especially since the type has a
    32-bit value, there should be enough space).

    In general, the data size can be arbitrary, but ALSA limits it to
    65536 bytes, so we apply the same limit to virtio_snd_ctl_tlv.

    A request part of the TLV_READ message consists of
    virtio_snd_ctl_hdr, and a response part consists of virtio_snd_hdr
    followed by virtio_snd_ctl_tlv.

    A request part of the TLV_WRITE and TLV_COMMAND messages consists of
    virtio_snd_ctl_hdr followed by virtio_snd_ctl_tlv, and a response
    part consists of virtio_snd_hdr.

    It remains an open question whether to use the le32 type and do
    endianess conversions, or just use the u32 type.

The only thing left to describe is the events for control. The event is
represented by the following structure:

    struct virtio_snd_ctl_event {
        struct virtio_snd_hdr hdr;
        /* 0 ... virtio_snd_config::controls - 1 */
        le16 control_id;
        /* event mask (1 << SNDRV_CTL_EVENT_MASK_XXX) */
        le16 mask;

ALSA defines a bit mask describing the reason for sending an event. We are interested in the following three bit values:

        Element value was changed.
        Element info was changed.
        Element TLV tree was changed.

That's it. Any comments and suggestions are very welcome. Thanks!

Anton Yakovlev
Senior Software Engineer

OpenSynergy GmbH
Rotherstr. 20, 10245 Berlin

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