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Subject: Re: [RFC PATCH v6] virtio-video: Add virtio video device specification

Hi Alexandre,

On 08.12.22 08:23, Alexandre Courbot wrote:
Add the specification of the video decoder and encoder devices, which
can be used to provide host-accelerated video operations to the guest.

Signed-off-by: Keiichi Watanabe <keiichiw@chromium.org>
Signed-off-by: Alexandre Courbot <acourbot@chromium.org>
Here is the long-overdue new revision of the virtio-video RFC. This
version reorganizes the specification quite a bit and tries to simplify
the protocol further. Nonetheless, it still results in a rather long (17
pages) specification for just these devices, even though the spec is not
fully complete (I want to rethink the formats descriptions, and some
parameters need to be added for the encoder device).

I would like to get some high-level feedback on this version and maybe
propose to do things a bit differently before people invest too much
time reviewing this in depth. While rewriting this document, it became
more and more obvious that this is just a different, and maybe a bit
simpler, reimplementation of the V4L2 stateless decoder protocol [1]. I
am now wondering whether it would not make more sense to rewrite this
specification as just a way to transport V4L2 requests over virtio,
similarly to how virtio-fs does with the FUSE protocol [2].

At the time we started writing this implementation, the V4L2 protocols
for decoders and encoders were not set in stone yet, but now that they
are it might make sense to reconsider. Switching to this solution would
greatly shorten the virtio-video device spec, and also provide a way to
support other kind of V4L2 devices like cameras or image processors at
no extra cost.

Note that doing so would not require that either the host or guest uses
V4L2 - the virtio video device would just emulate a V4L2 device over
virtio. A few adaptations would need to be done regarding how memory
types work, but otherwise I believe most of V4L2 could be used as-is.

Please share your thoughts about this, and I will either explore this
idea further with a prototype, or keep moving the present spec forward,
hopefully at a faster pace.

Due to the RFC state of this patch I have refrained from referencing the
normative statements in conformance.tex - I will do that as a final step
once the spec is mostly agreed on.

[1] https://ddec1-0-en-ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fdocs.kernel.org%2fuserspace%2dapi%2fmedia%2fv4l%2fdev%2dstateless%2ddecoder.html&umid=8ec8d8c9-b83c-40de-9337-a377056fe2af&auth=53c7c7de28b92dfd96e93d9dd61a23e634d2fbec-e98508782bc1c9aa6b2e4a9df9d4dd170f9a5ffa
[2] https://github.com/oasis-tcs/virtio-spec/blob/master/virtio-fs.tex

Full PDF:

PDF of video section only:

One more thing. I haven't found profiles and levels for the encoder
anywhere in the spec. They were there in v5.

Alexander Gordeev
Senior Software Engineer

OpenSynergy GmbH
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